A Promise

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You and the rest of the Bey Club chased after Ken as he bolted through the trees. You'd all been playing Beyblade rather happily with Xander when Ken had started to look a bit distressed before taking off without any warning.

All of you called after him, begging him to stop, to tell you what was wrong, but he just kept running. You narrowed your eyes and forced your legs to move faster, passing Honcho and Valt.

You kept your eyes trained on the tail of his bright green coat, refusing to let Ken get away.

A mountain was near Xander's dojo, where you all had been, and Ken was almost at the foot of it.

Maybe that will stop him... The thought had barely crossed your mind when Ken threw himself onto the cliff face and started to haul himself upwards. Or not.

Valt had drawn level with you and you glanced over at him, seeing the same worry that you felt in his eyes.

You turned back to the obstacle of the mountain. There was no way something as stupid as a cliff was going to keep you from getting to the man you loved.

Growling softly in the back of your throat, pushing through the pain that burned in your muscles, you launched yourself up after Ken, clawing up the rock on all fours, the cheers of Honcho carrying you onward. "You go girl! Climb that mountain!"

Ken glanced over his shoulder at you and you could see something like panic in his green eyes. He tried to climb faster, but your furious pace outmatched his and you drew level with him, running up the hill like a dog across a field.

You looked at his face until he let your eyes meet. "See you at the top, Ken." You bounded past him, reaching the top before everyone else and waiting patiently as all the rest followed, Ken last of all.

He stood awkwardly, refusing to look at anything other than the puppets on his hands.

You stepped forward and reached out to touch Ken's arm. He didn't move away. "Ken? Now will you tell us what's wrong?" When he didn't answer you huffed and crossed your arms. "I just ran up a mountain for you, Ken. Do you really think anything you say could possibly change how much... How much I love you?"

He looked at you then, surprise on his face. Behind you Honcho whispered, "I knew it." Valt made a mental note to pay ten bucks to both his younger siblings and also to his mom. Daigo hid behind Honcho and wished he were somewhere with less mushy emotions.

You reached out and gently cupped Ken's cheek in your hand. He closed his eyes and leaned against your touch. He held up his little brown dog puppet. Beus, as the puppet was named, said, "I have to leave the Bey Club."

Everyone gasped in mingling reactions of horror and surprise.

"What?" Your voice was barely audible, quickly drowned out by Valt's exclamation.


Ken's other puppet, a blue one named Ker, 'spoke' this time. "My parents are moving away again, so I have to transfer to a new school. When we leave Xander's dojo I'll have to pack."

You kept your hand on his cheek and he didn't pull away, letting you brush the skin with your thumb. "Oh, Ken."

The others swarmed around him and you were forced to pull away while the rest of the club surrounded Ken. He looked from one person to the next, his eyes lingering longest on you. "I'm sorry," Beus whimpered, both puppets and Ken himself wearing an expression of utter dejection.

Everyone immediately tried to comfort him, telling him that it was okay, that he was still a part of our group, that he would always be our friend. You pushed your way to his side and took his face in your hands. "Ken?" He looked into your eyes, sadness still lingering on his face. "What did I just tell you."

Ken Midori x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now