The Return of the Pack Raithes

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                                   I suddenly heard a shrill yawn. It was a sound I hoped to never hear. Dill did have the Pack of Sauron. Now the Nose had sent his Pack Raithes. Pack Raithes were once gnomes, turned by the darkness. Now they are cloaked in green cloaks, with brown squares on them. If seen in day light they look like normal gnomes with knives in there hands. Creepy little dudes. Dill was probably in trouble. Inside that pack was shadows. Shadows of darkness. I, Grim, was ready to protect him. 

                                     When I got there, Dill was waiting. In his hands were a golden pack, and some pickles in the other.

"Where are you going, Dill Bill?" I asked him.

"To Mountaindal." he said.

                                 Mountaindal was a Were-Folk village, all black and all the same beautiful. Legbiter, the leader is a friend of Dill's so that's good. But why he was going was a problem. Did here the yawns of the dead?!

"Why are you going?" I asked.

"To finish my book and to get away from the world in black paradise." Dill said.

                         Black paradise?! He hated black! He was a lover of the color PURPLE! That pack is getting to his head! I had to get it from him! If I didn't, Booger Orcs could come get him! Nixee blood is hard to clean up. If Dill is addicted to that backpack, he is going to be a new member of the Pack Raithes.

" Give me the back pack Dill Bill." I said in a serious tone.

" What?  I would never give it to you! You only want it for your self you monster!" Dill yelled in a way I have never heard before.

                            He was going crazy! He was just about to tackle me when I ripped the pack out of his hands. Then, and only then, did he calm down. He started to fall down, but I caught him. He was drunk with evil, and it needed to be released.

" Just a small question, why do you have pickles? Why not marshmallows?" I asked.

" Because my name is Dill correct? So I decided to bring Dill Pickles of Mountaindal." he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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