Loud footsteps echo through the long, dark corridor. Every few minutes it's being interrupted by the sound of a keyring, followed by the opening of the cell door. Every few minutes the footsteps come closer and closer, until I know the owner of the footsteps reached my friend Max. I hear the keyring again, but this time the cell door isn't being opened, but a plate with a piece of bread is being shoved through a hatch. Max was that dumb to make a joke yesterday about our holy leader, while a supervisor stood right behind him. Now he's being even more punished than we already are.

"We" are the bastards, the kids with a father that isn't married to our mother. As a baby we've been caught, and brought to this cell complex. We literally have no rights, all we have is due to our holy leader. I know, he's a brute, but without him we would've died ages ago. We're still bastards after all.

Finally the footsteps stop before my cell door. I hear the keyring again, and shortly after I look the supervisor straight in the face. That's when he continues his walk to the next cell door, leaving me in my cell. The fact that the doors are open doesn't mean I'm allowed to leave, we have to wait until all the doors are opened before we can go altogether to the factory. The factory which is literally my idea of hell.

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