"What's up, little brother? You look like you've seen a ghost. Speechless, he showed his brother picture after picture, until they reached a picture where Elijah was five months old. That's when the pictures stopped.

"W-who is that?"

"I think he's o-our dad."

"Mom mentioned a 'Colby'. She said she'd tell us about him when the time was right, and that we didn't need to worry about him now. She and Grandpa were takin' about a Colby as well."

"Do you think he's our dad?"

"I think so. Wait here."

"Where are you going?"

"To get the girls! They gotta know 'bout this!"

Aiden rushed downstairs and grabbed his twin sisters, picking them up and dragging them to the basement, where the pictures were all spread out.

"What's going on?"

"Anastasia, Talia, we think we know who our dad is."


"We've, or Eli's found pictures of mom marrying some boy named Colby. Me and Eli had his last name at one point, so we think he's our dad."

"What about us?"

"Is he our dad too?"

"I don't see why not, but there's no pictures of him holding mom's stomach as it grew, like there were for us when we were in the womb."

"Look in the boxes. We want to know."

They looked for hours, until Aiden found the jackpot.

"Guys! Over here! Quick!"

"What is it?"

"Divorce paperwork. It said that this 'Colby' abandoned mom and was unfaithful." Aiden said.


"He cheated on her, and did that for what looks like a lot of times."

"Why would someone do that?" Eli asked.

"I have no idea."

"Does it say that he's our dad?" Anastasia asked nervously.

"No. It says that she filed and was awarded sole custody of us, and it doesn't look like he put up much of a fight for us."

"What?" Eli's voice cracked.

"I'm sorry, baby bro. But it looks like he just gave us away."

"What about us?"

"I don't know, Talia. I can't find anything to do with you."

"I can." Eli said.


"Look. Those are birth certificates."

Aiden snatched them up and looked over the certificates, one by one.

Birth Certificate.

This certifies that,

Aiden Lee Joseph Lopez,

was born to Leighla Paige Lopez and Colby Daniel Lopez

on December 18th, 2005 at 01:37.

Weight : Seven pounds. Eight ounces.

Length : Eighteen inches long.

This child was born in Iowa Methodist Medical Center in Des Miones in Iowa.

Signed by both mother and father.

Birth Certificate.

This certifies that,

Elijah Daniel Lucas Lopez,

was born to Leighla Paige Lopez and Colby Daniel Lopez

on August 29th, 2007 at 23:04.

Weight : Six pounds. Eight ounces.

Length : Sixteen inches long.

This child was born in Iowa Methodist Medical Center in Des Miones in Iowa.

Signed by both mother and father.

Birth Certificate.

This certifies that,

Anastasia Eliana Paige Schultz and Talia Estelle Jade Schultz,

was born to Leighla Paige Schultz and Colby Daniel Lopez

on April 8th, 2009 at 04:49 and 04:57.

Weight : Five pounds. Two ounces.

                  Four Pounds. Ten ounces

Length : Fifteen inches long.

                  Fourteen and a half inches long.

These twins were born in Hôtel-Dieu de Paris  in Paris in France.

Signed by mother. Father was not present to sign birth certificate.

"You two came after the divorce" Elijah whispered.

"So, our dad doesn't know we exsist?"

"No, but he knows we excist."

"Oh. My. God."


"How could we have not noticed this, bro?"

"Noticed what?!"

"His name is Colby Daniel Lopez!"

"What about it?"

"Don't you get it?! Colby Daniel Lopez is Seth Rollins' real name!"

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