Pragya;.... Shutup alia... not like that.. ur brother is not at all romantic.. actually he is very dump...

prabha:.. i dont think like that.. he is very romantic.. thats why ... yesterday ..he try to kiss akash.. and today morning.. he tried to dance and romance with me...(And think about that moment.... very disgusting for him)

 very disgusting for him)

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Pragya and alia... broke in to heavy laughter... pragya hardly blushing...

abhi came there... why u guys are laughing...

alia:.. its all becoz.. of u ...

abhi:.. hiho... shutup... prabha.. see this devil.. always making fun of me...

Prabha:.. u go ... stupid... u dont have any curtasy for ur brothers... yesterday u tried to kiss akash.. today u tried to hold me ... stupid abhi... and killer gaze from prabha..

abhi... escape...

Abhi:.. Fuggie... i need to discuss a important thing with u.. come with me.. and dragged her ...

Pragya:.. okay okay.. tell me what.. ..

Abhi:.. Fuggie... u know na.. i m not at all... have special timing with u... still we didnt have any... privacy for us... so what am thinking is???...

Pragya:.. what u thinking..???.

Abhi:.. why dont we go for a date..and have some time for us... i think its not only date.. and also.. i need to rectify all ur complaints.. i need u impress u... what u say..

Pragya:.. hooo.. so my rockstar is having time for me... i m really happy... i wish u execute ur plan...

Abhi:.. comeon fuggie.. i too need to.. spend time with u na...

pragya:... hoho... rockstar... i m happy.
. and thanks... for considering it..

abhi:.. i know... darling u are so lovely.. and came near her.. drag her .. and sit near the window..

wind are blowing... its making goosebumps to fuggie...

abhi turn towards her... he took her palm.. and started to observe her...

her eyes.. her smile... her look.. her dancing hair.. her specs... her... eyebrows... everything is simply perfect... she too admiring abhi.. his magic eyes.. his cute smile.. his antics.. his cheeks dots... everything is simply admiring...

abhi simply moving forward towards her... she too moving towards him... both are coming close... abhi saw her eyes.. that black sea... now drowning abhi... abhi came too close to her lips...
he is about to kiss her... but our pragya stopped him...

 but our pragya stopped him

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Pragya:.... as a rockstars future wife.. i need to keep my promise and my words are marked ... u need to impress me.. to get ur kiss.. otherwise ...its not allowed for u...

Abhi:..u... so stupid fuggie.. u spoiled a very romantic scene...

Pragya:.. i know u damn well rockstar.. u are very lazy.. and u will find shortcuts for everything.. so keep ready to impress me
.... got it.. and about to leave from there... abhi dragged her towards.. him.. she landed in his rock chest... she is really affect by his closeness... he can feel her increasing abnormal heart beat... she is melting in his eyes...

abhi placed a kiss in her forehead...
Abhi:.... sure ... i will impress.. and get my kiss.. but before that... get ready for my surprise in our first date.... i m going to shower and make a showup of my one sided longing love... so get ready for that. and also .. i m not sure.. whether.. i can wait for ur permission once i got my kiss.. so prepare ur mind fot that too...

Pragya is little shock.. but not scared.. becoz.. she is also... eagerly waiting for their romantic moments....


sorry guys for my late reply... so next is our triple episode ... which is only consists of abhigya and their love...

but i m not sure.. when i m going to update it... soon i will update it.. i m trying my level best to update... but sorry for the disappointments.... keep reading... keep smiling.. love all... have a very good day...
see u all soon...

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