Chapter 2

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Sophie blinks repeatedly trying to clear her vision. Groaning at the stabbing pain in the back of her head and neck.

"Soph, thank Merlin you're alright. You've been out for two days now." She hears off to her left recognizing the voice as Sam's. She lightly squeezes the small hand resting in her own, averting her attention to Kate whose eyes were lightly swollen from crying.

"W-we thought we lost you Sophie. You almost died." Kate tries to hold back the tears trying to escape.

"I'm alright, just sore. Did you two bring me here? What happened?" Sophie questions and glances between the two sitting on either side of her bed. Sophie struggles to regain memory of what happened. Harry is the first to speak.

"See that's what we are unsure about. When you never showed up at George's shop we decided to look for you. Kate and I couldn't find you in any of the shops or alleys so we apparated back here to Hogwarts and heard talk that you were attacked Soph. We came straight here and have been with you since. Ron came in a few times but never said much. No one knows who brought you in. Madam Pomfrey cannot tell us who brought you to the infirmary." Sam sighs.

Realization hits Sophie as she recalls what happened just days ago. A chilling feeling flows down her body as her face turns ghostly pale. Before she could say anything Headmistress McGonagall walks briskly into the infirmary and straight to Hermione.

"Miss Burke, are you feeling well enough to possibly tell me what happened in Diagon Alley?" Professor McGonagall states standing calmly at the end of Sophie's bed.

Nodding slowly Sophie eyes meet Professor McGonagalls. "I-I was just shopping for a few books and a new robe. I walked into Madam Malkins Robes For All O-occasions and saw s-something that upset me." Sophie recalls and gulps. "I wanted to g-get away from everyone so I ran into an abandoned alley. I-I noticed a mad staring at me from the entrance of the alley and began t-to leave. He said that I k-killed his sister during the war and then threatened to kill everyone I l-love before he started choking me." Sophie finished feeling Sam and Kate stiffen from her chilling words. Slightly shaking from the memory she tries to push it out of her head.

Professor McGonagall looks at Sophie sadly. "Who threatened and choked you Miss Burke?" She questions softly with her eyebrows slightly furrowed.

Sophie went rigid at the sight of his menacing face in her mind.

"Amycus Carrow."


Draco peers into the hospital wing just enough to see Sophie's Ravenclaw friend and her Gryffindor boyfriend along with Professor McGonagall taking turns speaking to Sophie.

So she is alright after all. He thinks to himself while reminding him that he is not her friend.

I don't care about her. He tells himself. If you didn't care you wouldn't be here in the first place you idiot. His conscience argues. Does he care about Sophie?

Noticing Professor McGonagall call Madam Pomfrey and begin walking to the doors Draco quickly runs to the opposite wall and pretends to look for something in his robe pockets only peeking up slightly.

He notices Madam Pomfrey turn to look at him giving him a knowing smirk as if saying 'I know why you're here even if you won't admit it to yourself'. Before turning a corner with Professor McGonagall.

Draco sighs and steals one final glance at Sophie before disappearing towards Defense Against the Dark Arts class.


"Madam Pomfrey please recall what happened that night Miss Burke was brought in." Minerva says while taking a seat at her desk, her eyes never leaving Madam Pomfreys.

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