Chapter Two

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The sound of silence was very discomforting to Abigail who slowly made her way to the left staircase. She felt as if someone was following her just waiting for her guard to be down so they can attack her. Her feet made little to no noise as she approached the old wooden staircase trying to keep the same rhythm going up. The steps were old and noisy so she was carefully planning out where to step being interrupted by a loud door slamming open. She glanced through the pillars which held up the banister careful not to get the peeling paint anywhere near her mouth or nose. She saw Jack stand there with an axe in his hand pacing around the room looking around for any sign of life. Abigail knew if she sat there any longer he was sure to find where she was. She kept moving up the stairs, her pace quickening, and she felt her carelessness show loudly as the top step creaked loudly. Swiftly moving her head in the direction of Jack she watched his head snap up to her direction.

"Who's hiding up there? Zoe?" Jack let out a malicious chuckle as he moved toward the staircase. He smelled the air almost like a bloodhound and grinned wildly. "No, that would be our sweet lil angel Abigail. Girl didn't I tell you to wait at the dinner table, and here you are sneaking around the house. Looks like I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson." Jack walked a little faster up the steps causing the girl to move to the door of Jack and Marguerite's bedroom. She stood up and tried to wiggle the door open earning a laugh from Jack. "Awe. Is it locked? Guess you had a run in with our new security system." He teased and finally gotten to the top staring at her with a murderous gleam in his eyes. Abigail stood back from the door and began walking away from Jack as he approached. "You know I always considered you like a daughter, and Eveline wants a sister ya see? Zoe hasn't been a good one but you will be perfect, and with my boy Lucas you two could make her an aunt and make this a big happy family." He walked closer to her and swung his axe at the female missing her by mere centimeters. She kicked him to the side causing him to stumble slightly and made her way past him and down the stairs.

"I sure as hell don't want any of that. Ain't right to raise a child in a house with a psycho like you." She spat out at the man only causing him to laugh at her attempt to be hostile.

"Ain't you just a cutie pie. You ain't tough girl so just give it up." He had gotten angry toward the end while making his way downstairs. He watched the female run to the other staircase going up halfway being parallel to the man on the other side. When he would move down she moved up and vice versa causing the man to tilt his head back annoyed. "I don't wanna play these games with you." Jack then threw the axe across the room at the brunette who ducked quickly hearing it pierce the wall. She stood up and looked behind her and gripped the handle tightly trying to yank it from the wall. The axe was so deep inside that it was almost impossible to yank it out. She glanced behind her seeing Jack approaching causing her to go into a panic and began frantically yanking at the weapon. She heard the wood crack and start to give away. Beginning to have hope she tugged a few more times as hard as she could and stumbled back as the wall gave up its tug of war. She turned around swiftly and swung the axe downward lodging it into Jack's chest as deep as she could. Watching him fall down the stairs she made her way towards the body feeling a sense of sadness overwhelm her. There was no time for her to mourn so she quickly began to search him for a key which she had found quickly. The key was rusted and had an odd snake wrapped around it causing her to sigh.

"It didn't have to be this way Jack." She stated softly and made her way to the locked door opening it softly. Her eyes scanned the room as she slowly entered seeing it was dimly lit and in rather good shape. A woman was in the bed, her face was pale with a light film of sweat over her. Abigail walked to the woman shaking her gently. "Hey wake up." She said with a sense of annoyance in her voice. The woman opened her eyes and stared at the woman in front of her confused. Her confusion then turned into shock as she quickly sat up backing away from the girl.

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