The Diamond Legend- Prologue

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Diamond Dust


Rungborn Avenue, 1971 AD, 9:30 PM


"Come on, Niles! Hurry up!" the girl shouted to her signifigant other, who was falling behind her. 

"I'm going as fast as I can, Vivian!" he called back. His white suit was wet from the pouring rain. His drenched brown hair stuck to his head, and his green eyes would shut tightly to avoid getting too wet. He almost felt as if he was crying. He chased after his girlfriend, Vivian after the two of them snuck out of the ballroom dance floor. When she stopped, he halted to catch his breath. She threw her arms around him. He lifted one hand and placed it on her arm in return. "So why did we run away?"

"I wanted some time alone with you," said Vivian. "You and I both know that my parents absolutely hate it when we are together." The wind blew up against Vivian's dress, making it flare like a cape. "I want to spend as much days as possible dancing in the rain with you. I love you more than anything in this world, Niles."

"I love you too, Vivan," Niles murmured.

The two teenagers embraced each other lovingly. Vivian looked up at the sky. The skies were getting darker as the moon peeked its way from behind the clouds. She sighed. She's loved Niles for years, since before she was in grade school. They've known each other for that long. But when Vivian told her parents that she was willing to be more than just friends with Niles, they were unsupportive, and told her that she is forbiddon to date him. "Come on, let's walk." The rain still pelted the two. Vivian's dress was completely drenched.

They grabbed hands and walked further up hill. Vivian rested her hand on Niles' shoulder, to which he kissed the top of her head. They halted when they reached the top of the hill. At the bottom of the hill rested a lake. A really large lake illuminated by the moonlight. Niles let out a whistle, and Vivian sighed.

"I've never been to this part of Rungborn before." As she whispered to Niles, the rain suddenly stopped. Shiny snowflakes began to fall. The snowflakes rested on Vivian and Niles' hair and clothing, making it appear as if they were glittering. "Is this... diamond dust?"

"It is," muttered Niles.

"Niles and Vivian," a voice echoed. "You have found the secret location of the diamond dust. Congratulations."

Niles jumped slightly. Vivian looked around frantically in search for the mysterious voice. It came out of no where. Vivian shook, but not because the cold was lingering. She was terrified. "What the hell was that?" she gasped.

"Fear not," said the voice. "For I am the spirit of Rungborn Avenue. Once every thousand years, this part of town falls under diamond dust. It has been that way for many generations, even from my own. However, recently, people of your time have begun to believe this to be an old mother's tale. Now that you have found this place, I now pronounce as the first Ravaliers of this generation!"

"Ravalier?" Niles repeated. "What's that?"

"A Ravalier is a traveler who embarks on journeys in order to comfirm legends," the voice said, echoing throughout the lake area. "The Diamond Legend, as we call it, has been rumored to be false for years. A Ravalier's job is to prove it. And that is where you two come in. Please, you two, make sure this legend goes unforgotten."

Vivian looked at Niles. "We will, spirit." She beamed brightly.

"Thank you ever so kindly."

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