24.)Baths or showers?

Showers, they're faster.  But bubble baths are so fun

25.)What color socks are you wearing?


26.)Have you ever been famous?

No...haha what an interesting question=)

27.)Would you like to be a big celebrity?

No not really, I like the life I have now

28.)What type of music do you like?

Kpop, of course😂

29.)Have you ever been skinny dipping?

Hell no😂 I'm only 14 for goodness sake

30.)How many pillows do you sleep with?

I sleep with 3 regular pillows and my unicorn pillow pet😂😂😂

31.)What position do you usually sleep in?

This question is so weird😂 but whatever. I sleep on my left side

32.)How big is your house?

Umm...I have a really small house. Hawaii is hella expensive place to live in

33.)What do you typically have for breakfast?

Umm...Usually strawberry yogurt or oatmeal

34.)Have you ever fired a gun?

Haha, NO

35.)Have you ever tried archery?

Yes, I find it so fun

36.)Favorite clean word?

fluffy...Oml I don't know😂 I don't remember the last time I used a clean word😂😂😂

37.)What is you favorite swear word?

F*ck but I don't really If "hella" is considered a swear word, but I use that word a lot😂😂😂

38.)What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep?

24 hours and I think I was waiting for BTS to release their new MV😂

39.)Do yo have any scars?


40.)Have you ever had a secret admirer?

No😂😂😂 my school doesn't really do "secret admirers"😕

41.)Are you a good liar?

Sorta...in a way, but usually they're tiny white lies

42.)Are you a good judge of character?

not really😕😕😕

43.)Can yo do any other accents other than your own?

Yes, I can do a Southern accent. But whenever I do it my friends tell me to shut up😂😂😂

44.)Do yo have a strong accent?

I don't even have an accent😂😂😂

45.)What is your favorite accent?

Umm...I like a British accent for some reason😂

46.)What is your personality type?

Shy when at first glance but once you get to know me I'm pretty crazy😂😏

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2017 ⏰

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