Chapter one - A meeting.

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Felix P.O.V

The snow fluttered down. My curtains were open. Everything outside was white. The street was full of white, icy snow. I never got out of the house because of the weather. My sister was afraid of snow, she had a trauma. She lived with me for a while. An accident in our childhood made us afraid of snow and ice. Going to school was not an option if the snow was spread around the city. We always sat around the fireplace, while drinking hot chocolate. We mumbled stupid things about what we were supposed to do, but those things never happened. We got calls everyday from our teacher. Telling us that we had to come to school and follow the lessons. She was worried about us. One day, she came to our house. When she saw us sitting around the fireplace, staring at nothing, she was completely shocked and asked where our parents were. We just said nothing while we were trying to hold in the tears that wanted to escape out of our eyes. It had been four years on that moment. Thinking back at it... how could we survive all alone?

The memory's made me smile. I got up real slowly. It was real cold in my bedroom. Why am I not satisfied? I live in a big house, have a lot of money and have a couple friends. Any other person who lived like this, should be happy. I looked down at the empty side of the bed and sighed. Right next to me stood a wooden box. It was full of folded letters. All written with another pencil and another color. All addressed to the people I loved. Or hated. But what was the point of it?

I shivered and grabbed a hoodie from the floor. It was red and really old.The sleeves were a bit stretched. I had sworn to wear it until it was completely stretched out. With difficulty I pulled the red thing over my head. I walked past the big mirror on the wall. I looked into it. "Wh-what?" I stuttered. My face was really pale and there were circles under my eyes. I slept well.. Was I starting to get ill again? The door from my bedroom opened.

"Pewds you have to get ready! The team is ready to start with the-"

A guy with short brown hair stared at me. I just grabbed my pants from the floor, but I dropped it again when I saw the guy. His bear-hat stood askew on his head. I sighed and clenched my hand into a fist.


I yelled at him. I was mad. His eyes widened and his mouth fell open. We stood there for a couple seconds. I think I looked very angry, because he turned around and ran away. I just chuckled and did another attempt to get my pants on. It worked. A surprise. The guy I just yelled at was Ken. I had the impression that he didn't really like me. Or.. There could be a chance that he was afraid of me. He always interrupted me at the wrong moments. When I was dressing up, when I just woke up.. Sometimes he even managed to wake me up, even though I'm a deep sleeper. That happened once in three weeks, when we had a meeting. I worked for game design company. I liked games and I didn't have to go outside with that job, so it was perfect for me. The meetings were always at my house, but always at the wrong times. And Ken was just the person that annoyed me. The other team members liked him. I wasn't sure if they liked me. I was their manager.Their "boss". I decided what could and what couldn't happen in the games they created. I decided if the story lines were good or not. We made a couple real good games, like The Last Of us. But we have a lot of shitty games on our names too. Don't blame me for it, it's their fault.

"Make coffee for me!"

I knew that everyone was in the room next to my bedroom. It was really large and there stood a big table inside that room, the perfect meeting room. I yawned really soft and tried to get my hair in a normal position, what didn't worked. I looked really sleepy and ill. A girl who worked with me already told me that I needed more sleep. And I had to eat more fruit and vegetables. I ate enough of them. One in a month was good enough. I mean, fruit. I ate a lot of vegetables, especially when I ate my diner.

"Are you done?"

The voice of a woman interrupted my silly thoughts.

"Yes! Did you prepare coffee for me?"



I pushed the door open and looked in the eye from a purple haired girl. I didn't knew her.

"Are you new here?" I asked. She nodded and smiled at me. "Kr-Krism invited me.. She told me that you already knew that I was coming, but if it isn't okay than I can go away and than.. you could just.." I watched her and smiled. "No, it's alright. Take a seat and tell the others that I'm coming. You can call me Felix or Pewds.." I said. She looked shocked when I just talked to her. She probably got the wrong impression of me. "I'm Minx!" she said, happily. She held out her hand and shook mine. After that she just walked away again.

I wasn't a mean person. Sometimes I was just.. honest. And a bit hard. Some people need to grow up. You have to help some of them with that.

"Okay!" I shouted. I slowly entered the room. Two guys and two girl were just sitting there, looking at me. A little piece of paper lay between them. "Is everyone here?" I asked. Max, another guy, nodded. "I guess," he said. His Australian accent made me smile. I pushed the smile away and looked at the laptop, that Ken held in his hands. "I-I'm checking where we left of," he stuttered. I nodded at him. "I know. Just go on," I said, with a lovely voice. He looked at me, very amazed. He smiled at me and searched for the data that we needed. "Okay. We were talking about..." I said, while walking around the table. "The DLC for The Last Of Us," Ken replied. I nodded. Krism stood up and looked at me. I nodded.

"So I had the idea that we should let Ellie and Riley have some fun at a-"

I heard a door closing, so I turned around, while taking a zip from my cup of coffee. A guy with a blush on his cheeks walked to me and held a letter in his hands. My eyes widened. How.. did he..?

"Felix. Grow the fuck up. You have to stop writing letters to-" I pushed him to the wall and ripped the letter in little pieces. They fell down on the ground, like little pieces of snow. I looked the guy straight in the eyes. "What are you doing here? And who the fuck are you?" I asked. How did he knew my name? And what was he doing with my letters? "You really have to stop thinking about that little girlfriend of yours. She is not coming back. She's not even alive anymore," he said. I stared at him and felt how I was getting angry. I shivered.

"I hate you."

The words fell out of my mouth. I imagined what would happen if I said that. I expected to be kicked, but nothing happened. The boy just grinned at me. "I don't like you too."

I felt a hand on my shoulder. My body froze. I heard a girly voice whisper: "not this shit again." The guy in front of me pushed me away and started to collect all the pieces from the letter I ripped apart. This wasn't funny anymore. People had to stop telling rumours about me everywhere. And my secrets had to be secrets again. I fell on my knees on the floor.

This could'nt go on like it was on that moment.

(A/N: Hi! This was the first chapter! I hope you like it! It isn't really special.. and there might be mistakes in the grammar.. But.. Just tell me how you think about it! Is it really bad? Really good? Normal? I dont freaking know. I'm planning to update once in two days! I can't handle more times.. :c. This is not going to be very long. Just.. normal. Yeah. I'm talking to much. Tell me if I have to go on! I probably just go on. Without people reading it! Bye! X-JoelChan)

PewdieCry - Letters to someone I knew.Where stories live. Discover now