The Sparks ....floof?

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chapter 2

I continued to laugh as Mark further tangled himself into the bush before he started to use some very colorful words. I didn't know he could be so vulgar!

Then a burst of flame as the bush he was caught in exploded and ejected the fire starter into the air. He landed in a pile of smoke and embers. his hair for lack of better description was now mostly black with red tips. He coughed and shoed to smoke away before starting to freak out.

" omg where's my fire?!? where is it?!?" He screamed as he patted his hands down on his hair creating more smoke at this point than fire.

I couldn't take his as I started to laugh. Loudly I might add. the racket causing Mark to stop and watch me as I bent over crying from laughing .

" Very funny. My fire's out, and you're possible the only one who can do something about it! You Jack are a DICK, a tini TINY DICK" yelling as he storms off, this time heading the right direction and not into a plant.

I stop laughing.. eventually as follow him.

" Sorry Meark, " for some odd reason having adopted a new accent, " I know how to fix it" calling out to him.

Mark soon stopped before turning looking with stars in his eyes and eager like a ... what's the word? oh yeah.. puppy! I nod causing him to smile .

" just run your fingers into the base of your and and.. move em fast and get air into em. .. like .. flooof.. yeah floof!" trying to explain to him.

He gave me a confused look. A single eyebrow arching up as he repeats " Floof?"

" yeah floof!" telling him as I proceed to 'floof' my own hair which started to glow and spread out green dust one landing on the ground causing a plant to sprout.

Mark shrugged and tried it again before his hair ignited and was colored red again. He didn't say anything but rushed forward and grasped me in a hug. It was .. something but soon I hugged back. Before I knew it he let go and told me " you give good hugs Jack. "

He then turned away and ran yelling " you're still a dick!!" running pretty quickly into the distance. His flame hair making it a bit too easy to see. him

" Why the fuck not?" telling no one in particular as I ran off after him. Maybe this trip won't be so bad? I soon caught up to him , mostly due to him standing still, as he looked across a dirt road. guy with blue hair was being chased by a taller male muttering something about ending the cranky crew. another taller curly haired man chasing after them with a large camera. Mark was watching. I though started to look around noticing a a large van and a few others. one of them with a camera.

I gently poke Mark and pointed to the 'crew' and the van. His eyes shown that spark again as he grabbed my hand and ran of the car. " Hey Jack! let's sneak in!!"

- short, I know, but... kinda gotta ask, is someone in the car? Amy maybe? Or Signe? Also if you're wondering Jack and Mark have a bro-mance in this. No smut, just kinda fluff and adventure. 

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