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                           Dectective Agency / Prologue

Perrie Edwards's Point Of View

"What's the next assignment, Cam?" I huffed my cigarette while she was talking. My job was simple. I was the one to simply 'find' a spouse's dirty work in the making before the client gets antsy.

Cam rustled through the paperwork on her desk, trying to find my file. "Yes, Ms. Edwards, I'm sure you'll love this one."

She hands me the folder and I gave it a glance. "So, what is this? What am I doing exactly?" I murmured, in confusion. I wasn't usually assigned to undercover cases, under a rare circumstance. 

Cam got up and walked around the office. "Perrie, you've done phenomenal work finding out someone's dirty work but —" She pauses and grabs a remote. "— we need you to take a break from that." 

I took my cigarette and placed it on the ashtray in her office and sighed. "Are you kidding?" I gasps, hoping that some part of me knows that she must be joking. All my life, I've been helping everyone solve cases and crimes; this was completely out of character. 

"Cam, is someone putting you up to this? I can't be in the undercover unit. I would like to be the anonymous tip, thank you very much. I've been trained for behind-the-scene work not on-duty confrontation!" I yelled, hoping that Cam got the message that I was pissed. 

Cam walked over to me and pull up a chair beside me. "Look. I wouldn't give this job just to anyone of my agents," She spoke. "I'm giving it to you because I know you can do this. I believe in you."

I nodded. "Ok. I'll do it. Let's review my objective." I said while adding another coat of lip stick.

Cam tapped my thigh, in approval to my response. "That's my girl."

Cam pressed the red button on her desk that led down the projector and the television monitor. I kept my eyes pealed on this folder.

It read -

PERRIE EDWARDS ( ID CODE - 13593634252 ) :: ASSIGNMENT FOLDER [ Case NO. 094623598 ] 

Cam cleared her throat, trying to gain my attention. "Ready, Ms. Edwards?" She questioned. 

I gave a weak smile back as a reply. "Sure 'am."

"You may proceed to opening the folder." Cam directs and she begins propping up her presentation. 

I opened up the folder and my eyes went straight to the first page. 

"Ok, as stated on the first page; your mission is to figure out who this man is." Cam stretches the arm that held the remote to an strikingly handsome young man. He had very strong features. His lips were plump just right. His eyes sparkled in the natural light. He was very mysterious, indeed. And I liked it.

"He doesn't look like the type to be doing anything wrong." I state, feeling bad for the unknown stranger. 

"Well no one does at first, Ms. Edwards, but they manage to," Cam shot back, feeling no remorse for him at all. "Anyhow, this man goes by the name of Zayn Malik, graffiti artist extraordinaire. Grew up in Bradford, as you can see," She points at his rather ghettoish choice of clothing. "He's know around as Z. He has recently been linked in the death of model, Annabella Koitz. —" Cam quickly goes to the next slide and shows a picture of the very beautiful model, that died so tragically. She then goes back to the previous slide. "— He told police that he didn't have any part of it what so ever but he was apart of the gang that was in the mess."

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