The Mortelle Trials

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Its a bit grusome so if you fainthearted or hate gruesomness then this might not be the story for you but feel free to check out my other ones they're not gory at all :) hope you like it

I awoke in a dark room my hands bound behind me and my feet tied to the legs of the stool. I strained my eyes to see the room properly. It was quite small; no windows only one door which looked like the entrance to a huge vault.

I saw a shadow shift across the room and then another. I struggled but couldn’t escape my bonds. “What do you want with me?” I snarled. A man’s voice replied, “Your service, mortelle” he laughed menacingly. Then I felt the leather whip slice along my back.

I cried out in pain as I felt the hot new wound erupt ripples of pain across my back. It sliced across my back again.

I ground my teeth together fighting the urge to scream out. “Wrists” I heard the same man say yet more agitated. I felt my palms being held outwards and razors slit across my wrists. “Why are you doing this?” I said through my teeth.  “Do you surrender?” he demanded. “You wish” I yelled at him. I could feel the blood trickling down my back and my wrists.

At least being like this gave me an advantage, it was harder to die. For the next half hour I felt them repeatedly slice my wrists, ankles, behind my knees and my back again. I let out an occasional gasp of pain.

Then he flicked on the lights and I was momentarily blinded. “Stop” he demanded my torturers. They stopped immediately and retreated to the corners of the room. They wore scrubs which were splattered with blood. I glanced down at the floor and at the crimson pool of blood beneath my feet.

“You’ve past your first test”. “What test what are you talking about?”. He just laughed “You’ll see” he clapped twice “Now go ahead heal him already, he’s dirtying the floor” he ordered the people in scrubs. I shivered from the cold of my bare back; all I wore were some shorts.

The room was completely white and more sterile then a hospital. I saw the people in scrubs move towards me bottles of a murky liquid in their hands.

I growled at them to stay back, they winced when I looked into their eyes but still moved forwards, they had masks covering their faces and caps like you would in surgery. One bent down to my ankles and poured the liquid onto a cloth and began to rub it into the cuts.

I screamed as the applied to all my cuts it spread across my body like fire licking at my skin and erupting through my insides. I yelled at the pain. Then I saw my cuts healing closing up not even scares showing up. “What is this?” I murmured to myself.

All the wounds healed properly except for those on my wrist which left lumpy scars. The people didn’t reply. 

This is a little sneak peek from the novel length story I'm writing, if you want to read more sneak peeks please comment and I'll add more :) 

xx LittleLoveSongs789

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2012 ⏰

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