Delilah merely blushed as Reggie looked at her with a smirk.


   The sun had set before Delilah made her way home. She silently slipped inside of her house and bounded up the stairs. Entering her room, the brunette changed into a pair of blue spandex and an oversized t-shirt.

   "Where were you?" Carter yelled at his sister as she walked down the stairs. "I had called you countless times and you didn't pick up."

Delilah sighed, crossing her arms. The brunette girl had walked home and changed into her pajama's only to be met with a pissed off older brother. "I was with the neighbors."

"You mean the creepy old lady I know nothing about?"

"First of all," Delilah started. "Gurt is not creepy and she's not old. Second of all, I was having a nice time with new people. We want a fresh start, right? Well, I'm just trying to make things work in my favor."

"That doesn't mean you can go talk to complete strangers!" Carter exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

"I know her grandson! He's staying with her! They're not strangers, Carter."

"Oh, so now you're going out with random boys?" Carter asked, letting out an audible groan. "That always ends up well."

"He's not random! Reggie's a nice guy that I met when we first moved here! I literally bumped into him and now we're becoming friends! Along with Jughead!"

"Delilah, you'll get yourself in a lot of trouble if you don't listen to what I'm saying about these boys!"

"Carter, just underst-"

"What I understand is that you're being reckless within the first couple weeks of us living here! It's a new town and we don't know people! You could've been kidnapped or hurt!"

"But I wasn't!" Delilah yelled, her voice cracking. The small girl's emotions were rising and tears were starting to form in her brown eyes. "Can you stop acting like dad?"

The second those words left the brunette's mouth, the house fell silent. Carter ran his hand over his face as he stared at his younger sister. "Why would you compare me to him?"

"Because you're acting like I'm your possession to control! That's what he did to me!" Delilah said, her voice wobbling. "Stop acting like our dad."

    "I'm not like that!"

   "Then stop acting like it!"

   "I'm just trying to protect you!"

   "I don't need to be protected!"

   "Fine!" Carter exclaimed. "Go and run off to your new friend, Ronald. I'm sure he'll be happy to help you."

   "Maybe I will go to Reggie!"

   "Fine! And I won't be there to help you."

   Delilah rolled her eyes and stormed out the front door, trying to hold in the tears. She angrily made her way down the sidewalk and to the side of the white house. Delilah saw a window with a football sticker on the glass and picked up a small pebble. She threw the small stone and it hit the window, giving a faint ping noise. Delilah threw three more stones until the window opened, revealing a tired and disoriented Reggie Mantle.

"What are you doing, Lilah?" He grumbled. Reggie put on an annoyed face but on the inside he was practically screaming from happiness.

"Carter was being a jerk and kind of kicked me out of the house and so I came to yours."

Reggie stayed silent for a few seconds before speaking up again. "Can you climb the tree?"

Delilah looked at the large tree winding up to the window."Climb?"

"Yeah. So you can come in through my window."

   "Are you insane?" She whispered, throwing her hands in the air. "I can't climb that! I'll die!"

   "You won't die. Come on, just climb."

   Delilah sighed and grabbed onto one of the branches, hoisting herself up. A leaf fell in her face and Delilah let out a scream, calming herself after she realized it was a leaf and not a spider. After many grunts and groans, the small girl finally made it to Reggie's window where she practically fell into his room.

"Shut up!" Reggie exclaimed, helping the girl off the ground. "My grandma's down the hall, Lilah. You can't wake her up or she'll have my ass for letting a girl in my room."

"You try climbing that godforsaken tree at this hour." Delilah groaned, blowing a strand of hair out of her face. "Or any hour."

   "I'm a football player, sweetheart," Reggie explained with a smirk. "I could do it no problem."

   Delilah walked past the taller boy, patting his chest. "You do that, Reggie."

   "That was meant to impress you." he whined, sitting down on his bed. "Darn it, Lilah."

   "I'm a hard girl to impress." she replied, practically throwing herself onto the bed. "Your bed is so comfortable."

   Reggie lied his head down on the pillow next to Delilah, smiling when she looked at him. The two stared at each other in the quiet of the night, not saying a word. The feeling Reggie felt before arrived again, making a faint blush spread across his face.

   "Hey," Delilah suddenly said, snapping the football player out of his thoughts. "I could've just gone through the front door and you could've unlocked it for me."

   "I thought about that," Reggie admitted, laughing a little when Delilah hit him on the shoulder. "But then I decided it would be funnier to see you climb a tree."

   "You're such a jerk."

   "I know."

   The two fell into a comfortable silence. Delilah soon fell asleep, leaving Reggie alone, thinking about his feelings for the small girl he had met weeks ago. He looked at her, lying next to him, and decided he'd take a chance with Riverdale's new girl.


wow. so i finally updated.

i've just been busy and all that (and i have discovered buzzfeed youtube videos and a certain hottie named eugene lee yang).

i've started a kj apa book so y'all should check it out.

what are your thoughts on reggie and delilah?

what about carter? was he wrong to snap at his little sister like that?

in riverdale, who would you want as your:
best friend?
significant other?
friend with benefits?

- art

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2017 ⏰

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