Dating Site! (Yu-Gi-Oh Yaoi FanFiction)

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Inu: “Welcome to another one-shot!”

Yugi: “Because she has no life.”

Inu: Gasps “Yugi, Why would you say such a thing…. Even if it maybe true.”

Yugi: Shakes head “Moving on.”

Summary: Yugi is a lonely college student with no life. Yami is a lonely successful business man. When the two join a dating sight and meet can love spark between them?



Disclaimers- I no own Yugioh, You no sue me! I also don’t own the following E-Harmony or The Mummy




Dating Site

Yugi Moto is a 21 year old college student. He is short for his age often getting mistaken for a 12 year old boy. He has black hair that spikes up into 5 points like a star. It’s black with lilac tips and blond bangs that frame his face. He attends collage hoping to get a degree in Archeology. Yugi has had a long bad luck streak in the line or love. He was about ready to give up.

“Yug, ya can’t give up. It doesn’t work that way!” Joey Yugi’s best friend protested. Joey has been Yugi’s best friend sense middle school. He has blond hair and brown eyes.

“I can Joey and I am. No one will love me I’m too weak and pathetic.” Yugi retorted.

They were at lunch right now. Joey attends the same collage as Yugi. He was hoping to get a degree in business.

Joey shook his head and pulled out his laptop.

“How about I make a deal with ya. You sign up for E-Harmony and go on 1 date. If it totally back fires I surrender and you can give up on love forever. It goes well you tell your brother I was right for once!” Joey said turning the computer to Yugi.

Yugi scratched his head “Why do you care if Heba known’s if you’re right or not?”

“Because it’s thanks to him Seto calls me a stupid mutt.” Joey growled.

Yugi chuckled “You really like Seto don’t you? I do wonder how him and Heba are such good friends?”

Joey sighed “It’s because Atemu is CEO of Sennen Corporations so they end up hanging out a lot. But Seto hates me and thinks I’m an idiot because of your brother.” Joey looked to Yugi “So if you tell him I was right for once Seto might think different of me.”

Yugi sighed and shook his head “So you’re using me not helping me?”

“No come on buddy I’m just killing two birds with one stone. You meet someone and I get a possible chance with Seto.” Joey assured him and patted his back.

Yugi pulled the computer over and checked out the questions.

He stared at them and almost died “Joey there are 20 freaking questions! This will take me forever!”

Joey laughed “Better get started you can probably get 8 done before you go to Ancient Artifacts 101.”

Yugi sighed and got started. 

1. Please confirm your gender. Yugi checked the Male box.

2. Please enter your birthdate: Jun/04/1991

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