The Messy Penmanship.

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Harry weeded through the closet he'd lived in for nine,- nearly ten, - years.
His Aunt had given instructions to get anything but cleaning supplies out to rid of.
As he reached the torn blanket on the floor he heard the crinkle of Muggle paper.
Picking up one of the bunch he read his five year old messy penmanship.

Deer Daddy,

Hi, Im  Harry Potter.
I don't know if you rememember me, but i live with my Aunt and, Uncle.
You left me here, i think......
Ive been trying to get a locating of where you are for awhile.
Is Mummy with you?
Tell her i  love her.
Oh and you!
I love you too Daddy!
Pleese reespon if you get this?

Harry laughed as tears came to his eyes, these letters had be written and, sent before he knew his Parents had died.
He had a few addressed to his Mum but he mostly corresponded with her through his Dad.
It had been his way of hoping to leave the Dursleys.
He finished cleaning then took his letters upstairs to his room.
He picked the last one.

Dear Dad,

I guess I was wrong.
Your not alive, neither is Mum is she?
It hurts knowing I could never meet you.
Even after two years of writing and, not getting answers I had hope...
That's been disintegrated in a sentence from Aunt Petunia.
I felt the need to write one more letter for closure, so bear with me Dad.
I've recently turned seven, this year I got a pair of Uncle Vernon's socks.
Not savory, but still a PRESENT!
For me it was amazing to actually be able to tear paper.
Albeit newspaper but still.
Also if you haven't heard I started cursive.
It sucks but I want to be able to do it so I've been spending my recess in a abandoned classroom reading older kids cursive and, copying.
How are you and, Mum?
Where ever you are.
Are you smiling a lot?
I hope you are.
Even if I'm abnormal it doesn't mean I am heartless.
I wish I knew what you two looked like.
I imagine you a lot more so now then ever I wish I could actually know who I look like.
You or Mum?
I have little time, for there are meals to be cooked so....

For the last time.

Reigning in his emotions he laughed quietly.
Quickly getting parchment and, ink he sat at his desk.
Taking his quill he started a new letter.
One he could sent with Hedwig.
Unlike Muggle letters you don't need a address for Owl Post.
He full well expected it to come back, but that didn't matter.

Dear Dad,

Hi again!
I am facing my past and, taking up a hobby I couldn't help but stop for fear of disclosure from sobs.
But here I am once more, alive at the same hell from the last I wrote.
I know that those were through Muggle Post.
I have no hope of reaching you through even Hedwig.
But I have to try.
Yes I sound psycho.
Yes I know with heart and, mind your dead.
But I've never stopped wishing for someone to get me away from here.
I still hear you dying from time to time.
It hurts thinking at one point I could've hugged you and, then I couldn't.
But enough emotions.
I'm a Gryffindor.
It's obviously the best house!
I play as Seeker on the team too.
I was the youngest, I played from first year.
I also now since third year have had the newest broom.
The Firebolt, it's pretty wicked.
Last year there was no Quidditch though.
The Tri-Wizard Tournament came to Hogwarts.
It was...
Interesting to say the least.
For fear I'll get depressing I'll end here.

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