A New Beginning

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She and Nora and Jordan were crammed on Jordan's bed, whispering ratings for all the boys there in between fits of giggles, when Luce decided that she's had a little to much mystery punch. She left the party and slipped down the stairs, seeking quiet air. The night was cool and dry, nothing like Texas. This breeze refreshed her skin. There were a few stars out and a few kids in the courtyard, but no one Luce knew, so she felt free to sit down on one of the stone benches between two stout peony bushes. They were her favorite flowers. She'd taken it as a good omen when she saw the grounds around her dorm were blooming with them,  even at the end of August. She fingered the deeply lobed petals of one of the full white blossoms and leaned forward to breathe in its soft nectar. " Hello" She jumped. With her nose buried in a flower, she hadn't seen him approach. Now a pair of ragged converse sneakers was standing right in front of her. Her eyes traveled up: faded jeans, a black T-shirt, a thin red scarf tied loosely around his neck. Her heart picked up and she didn't know why;she hadn't even see his face- short golden hair..obscenely soft-looking lips.."I'm sorry," He said " I didn't mean to scare you." What color were his eyes?" That's not why I gasped. I mean.."The flower fell from her hand, three petals landing on the boy's shoes.The boy tilted his head in a kind of smile. Oh no. She's been staring at him this whole time. He waved, as if to say, Hello in there. "I'm Daniel." When she smiled, she saw that his eyes were beautifully gray with a hint of violet. Oh god, she was going to fall in love with a guy with purple eyes. What would Nora say? "Luce," She finally managed. "Lucinda" "Cool." He smiled again. "Like Lucinda Williams, the singer." " How did you know that?" No one ever guessed Lucinda Williams. "My parents met a Lucinda Williams concert in Austin. Texas," She added "where I'm from." "Essence is my favorite of her albums. I listened to it for half the drive here from California. Texas, eh? Big adjustment coming to Emerald?" Total culture shock.." "You get used to it..I did after two years, anyway." He reached out and touched her shoulder when he noticed her panicked expression. "I'm kidding. You look more adaptable than I am. I'll see you next week and you'll be completely settled in, wearing a sweatshirt with a big "E" on it. She was looking at his hand on her arm. But more that that, she was experiencing a thousand tiny explosions inside her, like the finale of a firework show on the Fourth of July. He laughed and then she laughed and she didn't know why." Do you want to sit down?" she asked him. "Yeah" he said instantly, then glanced up at the window where the lights were on and the party was happening. "You wouldn't know about a soccer party going on somewhere in there?" Luce pointed, slightly crestfallen. "I was just there. It's right up the stairs."                                                         "No fun?"                                                                                                                                                                                          "It was fun," she said. "I just-"                                                                                                                                         "Thought you'd catch your breath?"                                                                                                                                 She nodded.                                                                                                                                                                           "I was supposed to meet a friend." Daniel shrugged, looking up at the window, where Nora was flirting with someone they couldn't see. "But maybe I already have." He squinted at her and she wondered, horrified, if she'd been talking to him with flower pollen dusting her nose. Wouldn't be the first time."Are you taking cell biology the semester?" he asked.                                                              "No way. I barely got out of there alive in high school." She looked at him, at his eyes, which were most definitely a shade of violet. They glowed when she said,"Why do you ask?"                       Daniel shook his head, as if he'd been thinking something that he didn't want to say aloud." You just-you look so familiar. I could have sworn we've met somewhere before."                                          

                      *That was how Luce and Daniel fell in love for the first -and the last- time*

LucexDaniel-A Fallen Fanfiction (Warning:Spoilers)Where stories live. Discover now