|32| • Burnt Marshmallows •

Start from the beginning

"Henrie," he eventually breathed, looking at me with his intense eyes. "The marshmallows, I think they're burnt," he added, gently caressing my side. He had let his fingers sneak up underneath my shirt again, further than before.

"Oh," was all I managed. I was still trying to catch my breath, but I looked at the two sticks with our marshmallows. Neither of us had noticed that they had tipped over, letting both marshmallows fall directly into the small remaining flame. "Well..." I looked at Brian, my smile growing. "I don't really want to eat that," I told him, picking up one of the branches and examining the now mostly black marshmallow.

"I don't blame you... I think we got a little carried away," he stated the obvious.

"Yes, I think that's a good way to describe it," I chuckled, softly kissing his cheek. "Want to continue with that?" I asked, smirking at him as I gently caressed his cheek with the back of my fingers.

"With getting carried away?" He asked amused, letting his hand wander up even higher under my shirt.

Biting my lip, I nodded. "Mhm, exactly..."

Brian shrugged, obviously trying to seem casual. "I guess we could do that..."

"Wow, I'm glad you're enjoying it that much," I chuckled, playing along with his act.

"Mh, I am, I really am, you know that..." His voice was quiet, husky, his hand was getting more and more courageous, letting me know that he did enjoy it.

"I knew I was right about you wanting to undress me," I teased him.

Brian chuckled and shrugged. "You tried to touch my cock... I think it's only fair that you let me touch a little more of you."

I couldn't help but laugh a little at his direct phrasing. "You know, I hadn't actually meant to do that. I couldn't see where my hand was. But... I did like the reaction I got a lot. And by the way, you touched my butt, so we are kind of even.."

"What if I were to touch you ... somewhere which would make us... uneven again?" He asked, smirking at me.

I chuckled and shrugged. "I'd have to make us even again." I winked at him and teased him with my fingers caressing the bare skin of his thigh gently.

Brian bit his lip and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. "I like the sound of that a lot, you know that, right?"

"That's what I was hoping for," I confirmed, smiling widely as I closely observed the effect my touch had on him.

"I hope you know where this is going to lead to," he said quietly, opening his eyes, boring into mine intensely.

"I hope so too," I told him, biting my lip.

"You're such a tease," he said, smiling widely.

"You know you love it.." I smiled widely at him and leaned closer again, unable to resist kissing him again. His lips were simply so wonderfully soft, how could I possibly pass up a chance of kissing him?

"I do, very much so.... let me just put out the fire and then we can go test the couch I bought...." He waggled his eyebrows at me before he got up to put out the fire so we wouldn't have to worry about that anymore.

While he did that I got up, of course not passing up the opportunity of looking at him kneeling next to the the tiny flames. I didn't think it would be possible for someone to be as attractive as he was, but the living proof was right in front of me. Who knew what the night would bring?

Actually part of me was quite certain what the night would bring, but I was still pretending I could live in blissful innocent ignorance, until Brian would join me at least. I went ahead in the hut already and sat down on the couch, smiling to myself. Who would have thought that I'd be ending up in bed with him? Whether it would be in the innocent way or not we'd see, but alone the fact that there was the possibility for it to not be innocent was a little hard to comprehend if I was honest. And yet I loved it.

"Ah there you are," I could hear his voice as he stepped inside to join me. "Couldn't wait, huh?"

I chuckled and shook my head. "That's not it. Well, maybe but not in the way you think. This is just surprisingly comfortable and I can't wait to lie down. It's been a long day.."

He hummed in agreement. "That's right. You're okay though, right? You didn't hurt yourself or anything, did you?"

I smiled at him in the darkness. "No, I didn't. I'm perfectly fine. I promise. Are you alright?"

"Oh I'm perfectly fine, believe me. I've never been better," he told me. I could hear shuffling from where he was standing before the couch dipped down beside me. "I'm already looking forward to the fireplace. A bit of light can't hurt. I'd love to see you actually." His voice came from right beside me now and I could feel warmth radiating from his body.

"Maybe you can see me with your hands?" I suggested, chuckling. I didn't think he'd actually do that, so when I felt his hand on my face I was understandably surprised.

"Maybe I could also start seeing you with my lips?" 

There was a little lilt to his voice, making it quite clear what exactly he meant by that. "Don't get ahead of yourself," I told him, gently taking his hand off my face. "Just a random thought, what should I sleep in?" I asked and got off the bed again.

"How about nothing?" He suggested and gently pulled me down beside him again. "I wouldn't mind that at all," he assured me. If I knew him as well as I thought I did he was smirking at me with that mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

"Oh how gracious of you," I told him, laughing softly. He was unbelievable, but I was enjoying this little game with him.

"I know," he agreed, letting his hand wander over my back again slowly. "But I recall that you didn't mind the idea of continuing to get carried away, so why don't we get started on that plan?" His hand found my cheek, cupping it gently.

His gentle touch made me smile, and it didn't take long before I could feel his soft lips on mine again. It also didn't take long for me to kiss him back. Before I knew it I was allowing myself to get lost in the kiss, breathing in Brian's comforting scent. Slowly he lowered me back on the couch, hovering over me as he deepened the kiss, making my mind swirl. I didn't think I'd be able to focus on anything else, but when I felt Brian's fingers slowly exploring my thigh, suddenly that was all I could focus on. And then Brian slowly moved his lips along my jawline, to my neck, finding my weak spot without problems.

"Oh," I gasped surprised, moving a little underneath him, trying to take in everything he was making me feel.

Brian took advantage of that opportunity and pushed my legs apart with his knees, settling between them. In that position there was no secret between us anymore, I could feel everything, every inch of him pressing against me, driving me crazy with desire. "Brian," I breathed, biting my lip. I ran my hand over his shoulders, tangling my fingers in those wonderful fluffy curls he had.

I could feel his hot breath on my skin as he trailed sweet, hot kisses down my body. The constraint being put onto him by the hem of my shirt frustrated him quite obviously. "Henrie," he huffed, pulling away. "I'm going to take off your shirt," he announced quietly, straightening up.

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