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We were sitting at our normal lunch table. Me, Noah, and Audrey. Just us 3 like usual. I sighed, placing my head on my arm.

"Hey Infinity." I heard Noah call for me. I quickly rose my head to see him looking at me from across the table.

"Hm?" I muttered. My eyes suddenly grew tired.

"You good?" He asked. Our table was suddenly quiet with all eyes on me. I groaned. I wasn't really. I was horny, and uncomfortable. I shrugged.

"Yea I guess." I said, resting my head again and closing my eyes. I then felt a gentle hand on my thigh. I looked up to see Audrey. God she's so beautiful.

"What's wrong?" She asked ever so quietly in the adorable way she does. Her bangs were converging her right eye, making her look even more gorgeous. I let out a sigh.

"Just.. stressed is all." I quickly lied. Technically I wasn't completely lying. Her hand slid up my thigh and it took all my will to keep a poker face. She leaned into me, her breath tickling my ear, and making me blush.

"Come home with me after school and I can help you relieve some of that stress." She whispered seductively. My heart was racing and my body was shaking. Was she serious? Did she really just hint to me that she wanted to get with me? She leaned away from me and stared into my eyes for a while. She was smirking. Oh god.

"U-uh.. okay.." Was all I could mutter. I looked back at Noah to see him looking at me weirdly. I was probably red as a fire truck right now. I silently stood up, grabbing my bag.

"Hey where are you going?" Noah asked me. I looked at him for a brief second, needing to get out of here.

"U-uh.. um.. just to ..uh.. bathroom." I sputtered out before running off. I quickly ran to the bathroom. Once in, I was relieved to see it empty. I walked to the sink, and saw a beet red reflection staring back at me. I turned on some ice cold water and splashed it over my face. It worked, and soon my face was back to a normal color. I took many deep breaths, and my heart rate relaxed. After drying my face, the bell went off, and I walked straight to my locker, then to my class which was math. With Noah and Audrey. I sat down, still not completely calm. One by one the other students walked in. Then I saw Noah and Audrey walk in. I could hear them talking. Barely, but I heard them.

"Dude what did you say to her?" Noah asked, quite angry. I guess Audrey wouldn't tell him.

"It was nothing. Relax." Audrey chuckled. Then she looked over at me and smiled with a wave. I waved back timidly.

"Students, be sure to be in your seat before the bell rings!" Our teacher instructed. Noah looked at me, then at Audrey, then at me and then Audrey once more, looking very suspicious.

"I'm gonna find out you know this." Noah said, before walking to his seat which was next to me. Audrey took her seat across the room. I was staring at her, when she looked at me. She smiled, looked around, then winked. It happened in a split second, but it happened. She looked away, and pulled out her books.

"What did she say to you?" Noah suddenly asked, snapping me away from Audrey. My eyes grew wide, and I looked down at my paper. My face grew hot as I replayed the words she said to me in my head again.

"N-nothing.." I muttered almost silently. He just laughed.

"If it was nothing, why did you blush like a freakin' tomato when she said it, why did you run off after she said it, and why are you acting like this now, not to mention blushing?" Noah asked confidently. I stayed silent, not knowing how to counter that. After several moments of silence, he spoke again.

"Well?" He was smirking. I couldn't see it, but I heard it in his tone of voice. He thought he got me, but he didn't.

"Don't worry about it.." I whispered, trying to focus on whatever the teacher was saying. I found it hard to concentrate. Not exactly because of Noah's nonstop questions, but because I found myself only being able to think about Audrey. I wanted to look at her again. And I did. When I looked up to see her I saw her starting back at me. The teacher was instructing everyone to get their homework out. Audrey suddenly smirked at me, and then looked away, grabbing her homework. I let out a heavy sigh, and saw Noah looking at me. He leaned in slightly.

Bex T-K x Reader Imagines Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя