chapter 2

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The thing about kysin and I is we have known each other for as long as I can remember. Our moms were best friends in homeschool and they got pregnant around the same time. Finally they had kysin and I on the exact same day.
I get out of the car and walk up the porch steps,and knock.....and knock........and knock. Finally after no answer I start walking back down the steps.
"Malery?" I hear him say."What are you-." Before he could finish I raced over and hugged him.
"Thank God your here!" I said. I pulled away and he looked at me. Years started falling down my face.
"You wanna come in and talk about it?" He asks. I slowly nod and follow him inside to the couch. He flops down on one side and I sit opposite him on the other.
I tell him every thing from Drake trying to rape me to me coming here.
"Wow, Drake is such a jerk, I told you not to go out with him in the first place.
"Yeah, I know." I reply sadly. I have him a look that said " I'm sorry."
"We should watch a movie to get out mind off of things." He said smiling. "Remember this?" He asks holding up " The Ring."
"Noooooo, it's only the scariest movie you made me watch when we were nine!" I exclaimed. Kysin put the movie in. We watched quietly with an occasional scream from me. Eventually I got tired and fell asleep halfway through the movie.

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