Do you remember?

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Do you remember seeing me for the first time when you were nine years old?

Do you remember it being a "crush at first sight"?

Do you remember thinking, "oh wow, that's the cutest person I have ever seen"?

Do you remember being so shy that you never even said hello?

Do you remember kicking yourself as the months went by for not saying anything?

Do you remember wishing I'd come over and say something to you?

Do you remember hoping that you'd get over your shyness so we could be friends?

Do you remember turning thirteen years old yet you still had that crush on me?

Do you remember calling it "love" when you were thirteen?

Do you remember vowing that I would be the first person you would ever kiss?

Do you remember when I met your friends and I became best friends with them?

Do you remember when I hung out with them without you?

Do you remember when I fake-dated your best friend to make someone jealous?

Do you remember giving up?

Do you remember deciding it was hopeless, that I'd never speak to you?

Do you remember catching feelings for someone else?

Do you remember when you were seventeen and said "I'm done"?

Do you remember when you fell in love with that someone else?

Do you remember when you got into a long-distance relationship?

Do you remember that first anniversary?

Do you remember when they flew 2,000 miles to come visit you?

Do you remember your first kiss?

Do you remember when I announced I was moving away?

Do you remember wondering why you felt so sad?

Do you remember having the realization that you weren't over me when you were nineteen?

Do you remember that you had feelings for me for ten years?

Do you remember that you wanted to break your long-distance relationship?

Do you remember that you wanted to break off the relationship because you realized that you were still in love with me? That your feelings never went away, and that you just pushed them to the bottom of your heart, hoping you would never feel it again?

Do you remember how horrible you felt when you realized your heart still yearned for me even though you were in a relationship?

Do you remember your heart aching when you saw pictures of me on Facebook?

Do you remember how pathetic you felt? don't?

Oh, right...because it wasn't you who felt all this.

I did.

You're the one that never gave me attention. You moved away.

I blame myself.

I should've said hello.

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