Chapter 3: Evil Reveals Itself

Start from the beginning

"A darkness lies on that forest.  Fell things creep beneath those trees.  There is an alliance between the Orcs of Moria and the Necromancer in Dol Guldur.  I would not venture there except in great need." Beorn warned.

"We will take the Elven Road.  That path is still safe." Gandalf said.  Beorn shook his head.

"Safe?  The Wood-Elves of Mirkwood are not like their kin.  They're less wise and more dangerous.  But it matters not." he said forebodingly.

"What do you mean?" Thorin asked

"These lands are crawling with orcs.  Their numbers are growing and you are on foot.  You will never reach the forest alive." Beorn stated.  The company stared at the enormous man, their eyes wide with shock.  Beorn turned and looked at Thorin, his dark eyes looked wild and dangerous.

"I don't like dwarves.  They are greedy and blind, blind to the lives of those they deem lesser than their own." Beorn said, slowly approaching Thorin.  Reyna stood up and placed herself defensively in front of Thorin.  She felt horrible for Beorn, but she sure as hell wasn't going to let him hurt Thorin.  The giant of a man picked up a mouse from the table.  The rodent looked even tinier in Beorn's large hand.  He stroked it thoughtfully.

"But Orcs I hate more.  And you must be doing something right if you have the Lionheart protecting you.  What do you need?" Beorn asked.  As Thorin told the tall man what was needed, Reyna stared at Beorn in surprise.  Noticing the young woman's puzzled expression, Beorn motioned for her to come with him as he went to collect the supplies.

"You knew who I am.  How?" Reyna questioned.  Beorn glanced at her as he gathered the provisions.

"I keep up on the news, Reyna Stormbringer." he answered cryptically.  Reyna sighed and shook her head.

"You have taken on quite the burden, young one.  Are you sure it is worth dying for?" Beorn asked carefully.  Reyna nodded.

"Thorin is a good man.  Stubborn as a mule, but still a great man.  I would die for any one of them, for they are family to me." she said.  Beorn looked sadly at the Bender. 

"Then I wish you good luck.  You will certainly need it, where you are going." he said.  With those words of comfort in her mind, Reyna went to rejoin her friends.  As she did, she recalled the day Thorin asked her to join the company.


  Reyna had been preparing to leave the Blue Mountains, as she had business to attend to back home.  She was staying with Fili and Kili's family and would soon be departing.  She heard a knock on the guest bedroom's door and looked up.  Dis, Fili and Kili's mother, opened the door a crack.  She was a kind woman and it was easy to see the resemblance between her and her sons.  She had Kili's dark hair and Fili's green eyes.  And yes, she did have a beard.

"Reyna, dear, Thorin is hear to speak with you." Dis informed her.  Reyna furrowed her eyebrows.

"Is it urgent?  I must be off, or I will be late to the Council." she asked.  Dis nodded.  There was a hint of fear in the dwarf woman's eyes.

"It is.  He has come to discuss a quest.  One to reclaim Erebor.  He wishes for the boys to accompany him." Dis said.  Reyna's eyes widened. 

"I'll be right out." she told Dis, who gave her a smile and left Reyna alone.  Reyna ran a hand through her long, black waves, anxiety and excitement rushing over her.  She knew exactly what Thorin was about to ask her.  She gathered her things and left to greet her old friend.

"Hello, Thorin." Reyna said, sitting acrossed from him at the diningroom table.

"Good morning, Reyna." Thorin said.  He had been thinking carefully about how he should word his thoughts.  Reyna sighed and said it for him.

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