Carrie (1D)

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Carrie's P.O.V.

I was pushed against the locker by May. We're in the locker room right now.

"Aww! Is witty bitty Carrie hurt?" She asked in a baby voice,making fun of my height.

She ripped off my deadmau5 beanie and threw it on the floor.

NOOOO!!! I have a strange obsession with beanies.

She smirked.

"What shall I do today?" She asked herself,making a fake thinking face.

"You can be a whore,oh wait your a whore everyday." I remarked,immediately regretting it.

She slapped me and let go of my neck.

I slid down the wall and held my burning cheek.

I hissed in pain.

May cackled.

"Leave me alone. What did I ever do to you?" I asked after she punched my stomach.

I tried catching my breath.

"Well it's not you. It's your blood." She stated pulling me up by my forearm harshly.

Why the hell is Michelle late?!?!

She was dragging me to the pool.

Oh god.

"What do you mean my blood?" I asked panicking.

"I guess you'll never find out." May mimicked my panicked voice.

She barged through the doors and lead me to the water.

She pushed me in.

I swam up but was pushed down by a hand.

May's hand.

I tried swimming out away but she held my hair.

I tried to breath but water came rushing into my lungs.

I screamed. No sound came out.

My only oxygen got stuck in my throat.

I thrashed around.

No use.

I'm going to die.

No. I need to live.

You won't die.


I listened to my mind. This might be the death of me.

I screamed as loud as I could even though the sound wouldn't come out since I'm underwater.

May's hand let go.

I opened my eyes and swam up.

I came out of the water gasping for air.

My eyes searched for May.

I found her. Laying on the ground. Dead.

*5 years later* (Carrie and Michelle are Softmores now.)

I combed my wavy blonde/orange(more blonde) hair.

I ran downstairs and looked for my Converse. I finally found them and slipped them on.

I grabbed my deadmau5 beanie and pulled it on. I don't know why I still have it. I should've got rid of it after the incident with May in 8th grade.

I actually don't get bullied anymore.

I walked over to the kitchen and sat down in front of the pancakes Michelle made for me.

I don't live with my mom. She called me 'The Devil's descent'.

Michelle grinned at me.

I scarfed down the pancakes.

"Time to go to school!" Michelle sang.

I groaned.

Just because I don't get bullied anymore doesn't mean I want to go to school.

We walked out the door and got in the car.

I can't drive. The last time I drove Michelle and I almost crashed.

She turned the key.

The engine roared to life and we backed out of driveway.

*at high school*

Michelle and I walked in and walked to our lockers. We were really lucky to have our lockers next to each other.

Our other friend Kyle ran to me and hugged me.

I laughed.

He let go.

"OMG! Have you heard about the 5 new hot boys?" He asked. Yes he is gay.

"We just walked in." I replied.

He knew about May. I've known him since I was a baby.

He's my best guy friend.

"They're in all your classes you lucky bitches!" He said clapping his hands.

Michelle and I were also lucky enough to have enough classes too.

I groaned. I REALLY don't like meeting new people.

He smiled.

"Can't wait to meet them!" Michy (Michelle) said.


Kyle left for his class.

We walked to 1st period.

Mythical Studies.

My favorite!!!

Carrie (1D)Where stories live. Discover now