Everyone but Metri else went there separate ways not even saying bye.

"What's they problem?" I said actually confused as to why they were mad.

"Maybe they know something we don't." Metri said giving them the benefit of the doubt.

"He couldn't have done something that bad." I said.

"Hey I'm just trynna help you."

"I know. I'm going to class I'll see you in gym." I said making my way to class.

"You're late." My math teacher said.

"No I'm not." I said as the bell rung.

"You are. Remember I tell all my classes to be here at least five minutes before the bell."

"Lady you crazy." I said siting in my seat. "You really thought I was gonna be here any earlier than the bell."

"Go to the office and get a late pass."

"Uh no. I'm not late I was here before the bell. Now teach yo class so I can actually understand math."

She looked at me like I was crazy. This teacher needs some help she really thought that I was going to be here longer than I need to be. The fuck ?


"Are you really mad?" I asked Melo as he shoots free throws in gym.

"Nope." He said not even looking at me.

"Then why you acting like that?"

"How am I Acting kaylee?" Melo said.

"Like you mad or some shit."

"Nah I'm straight dawg." He said. "Is this conversation over or what?"


"Yeah." I said quietly.

He walked away and put his headphones in. Nodding his head to the music sitting in the bench.

"He'll be okay." Gelo said coming up next to me. "Try talking to him one more time, there's a reason to his madness."

I walk over to Melo and sit next to him and stare at him. He keeps looking straight ahead. After a minute or so he slowly takes his ear bud out of his ear and turns to me.

"Can I help you?" He said. Melo is never rude so I can tell he is mad. Even if he says he's not.

"Yes, tell me why you mad at me."

"I'm not." He said. He didn't look me in my eyes.

"Yes you are. Melo just tell me so we can fix it I hate fighting with you."

"It's just that you don't know Justin. You meet him less than 24 hours ago and you think he a good guy." Melo explained. "But he not ."

"What did he do that was so bad?"

"He was the boy my ex girl cheated on me with." Melo said. "And I played against him, when the game was over he pushed my mom because he was mad and I don't play bout my mom."

Oh shit.

"Melo why didn't you just tell me?"

"Cause I don't like talking about it. I don't have feeling for her but just seeing him made me have a flashback." Melo said. "She was cheating on me for a whole 6 month basically our whole relationship."

"I'm sorry baby." I said hugging him.

" nah I'm sorry for being rude. I shouldn't have talked to you like that."

"It's all good."

"Finally y'all are back to normal. I felt like the whole world was falling apart." O said.

"You so extra." I said laughing.

"I bet I can beat you in a three contest." Eli said to Melo.

"I bet you won't."

"Aight. If I win I got your MCM bag if you win you get my 12s."

"Aight bet."

They walked to the rack to get basketballs, slapping and pushing each other.

What would I do without these goons?


Drama drama and more drama. But I know you lady's and maybe gentlemen like it.

I scored today in my soccer game. Twice actually. We won 3-2. Don't be rude say good job lmao.

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