Chapter 1

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I shot up and slammed my head on the bottom of the bunk above me and rolled off the bed onto the floor. I was hyperventilating again. trying to calm down enough to even think straight. Ot wasn't working.

"Again? This has been going on for three weeks now." I spoke aloud to myself. Almost the exact same dream every night and each night I wake up at the exact same part of the dream. I still have no idea what is in that room. I looked over at the clock on my desk. 2:37.

"Hey only three minutes later than last night."

I got back up onto the bed and sat on the edge. 'That voice. I know it from somewhere.' this is driving me crazy.

Three weeks is long enough, I need to tell the rest of the team and it can't wait.

Thankfully Cyborg had recently installed an alarm specifically for when there was an emergency within the Tower. Too bad I got mine disabled for using it to play a bunch of pranks.

I stood up and exited my room to head for the living room. My head was spinning at this point. After entering the room I slammed my hand on the button near the door. The alarm started blaring while I turned and face-planted onto the couch to wait. My head was killing me, why did the alarm have to be so loud?

The door burst open. I looked up to see Robin with his staff out glancing around the room with Starfire and Cyborg right behind him yawning. Cyborg had disabled the alarm so my head hurts slightly less.

"What's going on" Raven says a she glides effortless into the room.

"I have no idea," Robin shouts no even acknowledging me on the couch in front of him, causing me to groan. "Cyborg?"

"I've got nothing." he responded.

I chose now to lift my head up and say that the alarm was me.

"What is the wrong, friend Beast Boy?"

"This better not be another one of your pranks it's three in the morning for Christ sake."

"It's not a prank this time. And do you have to shout all the time." I groan out as i try and sit up just to have to lean forward onto the coffee table, groaning again.

"You alright grass stain?" Cyborg asks taking a small step forward.

I don't answer him, mainly because I didn't hear him completely. The voice from the dream was back and shouting again inside my head blocking everything out.

Star sits down on the couch next to me putting a hand on my shoulder. "Beast Boy?"

I hear her this time and mange to speak. " Sorry. Just a massive headache."

Robin speaks up but not that loud this time. "Hey Star, go get him some water."

"Already got it." That would be Rae's voice. I almost forgot she was there.

"Thanks," that was all i was able to croak out before taking a sip of the drink. She perched herself on the arm of the couch on the other side of me while Robin and Cyborg stayed standing on the other side of the table.

they stayed silent, besides a couple of yawns, until I finish the glass of water and sit up completely.

"Did you really hit the alarm because you had a headache?" Robin said his voice elevating again.

"I just finished the drink. If you'd shut up long enough, I will tell you why I hit the alarm boy wonder."

"HEY..." was all robin was able to get out before Star cut in.

"Friends, it is the too early to be fighting. Why did you push the alarm button?"

"Sorry Star. I've just been having the same dream for the past three weeks and its exactly the same each time. I think there is something wrong."

That's chapter 1. Vote and comment to let me know what you think.

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