2. That Boy Is A Monster

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{Scott's POV}

The Next Day,I woke up..and then realized I scared the crap out of Sara. I had to come up with something..I walked to school,and saw her. She was shivering in that red coat of hers,she looked at me and started walking towards me.

"Sara..I'm sorry about last night.."I apologized

"The fact that you almost broke my hand and you scared the crap out of me. You have a lot of explaining to do."she said

"I know."I sighed

We went to our spot in the preserve,and I told her everything.

"So,you have no idea who bit you?"she asked

"No."I sighed

"It's like your the roofie girl,and the Alpha is the frat boy."she says

I have no idea,but why I was laughing so hard. And so was she. She looked so pretty when she laughed.

She fell off the log,that she was sitting on and it so happened that she fell on me.

"So,you developed the klutziness."I laugh

"Yeah,it happens when your kinda thrown off a bridge."She says

"What?"I asked her

"I was with my parents when they died,we were driving and then something out of nowhere threw us off the bridge..it's amazing that I survived."she explained

"Yeah."I sighed

I really wanted to kiss her,every bone in my body wanted too, But would she kiss me back?Or would she run and hide. But then she kissed me,and she just sat there,looking at me..or my reaction.

"Sorry."she mumbled

"Don't be."I grinned,as then I kissed her

She pulled out her phone and played "Lil' Red Riding Hood" by Amanda Seyfried. She said it always was ironic.

"So,I guess we skipped school."she says,looking at the time

"Hold on,I got this."I said,texting Stiles

Stiles:What's up and where are you?

Me:With Sara,in the preserve. Tell Coach I got food poising.

Stiles:Fine. You owe me one.

Me:I'll get Lydia to talk you.

Than the conversation stopped there.

"So food poising?"she asked,laughing

Anything else but saying that I'm skipping school with the girl I love.

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