Chapter 2

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I woke up with such a headache but atleast I woke up on time today!As I walked to the kitchen to make coffee,I realized that my mom wasn't awake which is strange,because by this time(7:00) she's already dressed and ready to go to work.I quickly put the kettle on and took a mug.While I waited for the kettle I went to my mom's room to go and see if everything was okay and as I opened the door I saw that she was still sleeping? That's strange,but maybe today was the day she wakes up late..

"Mom?" I said walking towards her to try wake her up."Is everything alright?It's already past 7 and you haven't woken up yet."

She mumbled something but I couldn't make out what it was,so I stood up and went to open the curtains and windows.

"No darling,close them."She said sounding very sad and sick.Which got me worried.Why was she like this today?What happened?Is it something to do with my dad?I haven't heard from him in a while. My dad wasn't around much since his job required him to do alot of travelling.

"Mom what's going on?"

"Darling i'm very sick and I got news that I didn't want to hear."She said with tears forming in her eyes.My heart started to rise with panic.

"What news?Is it to do with dad?"I said with worry in my voice.

"Yes..You weren't home last night so I didn't get the chance to tell you.."

"Mom! What happened?"

"Dad got into an accident and was rushed to hospital last night..His been unconscious for a while now but his heart is still beating but they can't do anything until he gains his consciousness." Tears formed in my eyes..I haven't heard from my dad for so long and when I do,it's such heartbreaking news..I stood up,gave a kiss to my mom and told her i'm coming now. When I was out I made a quick phone call to mrs Smith to inform her that i'm not sure if I will be able to make it to work because of personal issues that I had to sort out.

"Is everything alright?"She said and I could hear her concern.

"Not necessarily but i'm sure it will be fine."

"Alright I hope so to.Well you don't need to come today you can have the day off."

"Thank you I will inform you if things get better."

"Goodbye I will speak later then."

"Bye.Enjoy your day"

I hung up and went back to my mom to ask which hospital is it.

"Miami hospital Care Center.."

I nodded,said bye and got on my way.

As I arrived they took me straight to my dads dormitory and let me in..Tears formed in my eyes when I saw all the pipes,needles and machines surrounding my dad..He was still unconscious but I just sat there with his hand in mine and prayed that he will be okay..After what felt like an hour but only was 20 minutes,a nurse came in with a tall,handsome looking doctor..

"Morning ma'am,"The doctor said,I could just feel my face going red."Unfortunately I have to ask you to leave,because we need to do a few more examinations on him and try and see if we can get him to wake up."

"Is he going to be okay?"I asked with tears filling my eyes.

"We will try our best to make things right."

I just nodded and kissed my dad on his forehead and walked out.Once I was in the car I phoned my mom but she didn't answer so I left a voicemail,just letting her know that they going to do more examinations on dad.

I decided to go back inside the hospital and start with my book-"Is It Worth the fight?" Its going to be a romance/friction.I spent about 3 hours on the starting of my book,but I got disturbed when a doctor came and called me.

"Would you like to see your dad?" I quickly put my laptop and papers away and stood up to follow the doctor.

I walked in and saw that my dad was awake. I just smiled and went up to him and kissed him on the forehead.

"Dad!Are you okay?"

"Well I don't really remember anything but I think i'm fine." He said attempting to smile.

"I missed you and I was so worried that you weren't going to wake up!"

"Where's Mom?"

"She's on her way,should be here soon."I said with a small smile,because I loved the way that no matter where or what situation my parents were in they always needed each other to be by their side.

While we waited, I spoke to my dad telling him everything that has happened and here and there he would smile and ask questions. Then my mom ran into the room and went straight to give my dad a kiss.I could see she had tears in her eyes,but not of sadness but of happiness that he was finally awake.Eventually I left them to have some alone time,I said my goodbyes and headed to my car.

I went straight to my house,got into my bed and then fell asleep. I just wanted to switch off and just be alone.My head felt like it was about to explode because of all the stress i've had in the past week.

When I woke up,the sun was already gone and it was 19:30.I got out of bed,to go make supper but I noticed that my mom wasn't home yet,(I guess she's still with dad) so I just went to fetch my phone to phone her and know what time she will be home.

"I should be there in the next 30 minutes or so,why?"

"No just asking.I'll see you later then.Send a kiss to dad"

"Alright honey.I will see you just now."

When I hung up I noticed there were so many messages from Josh.He has been looking for me the whole day to find out how my dad was.I phoned him back.

"His alright hay.I went there today and he was still unconscious but then after a few hours they called me to go back in and then he was awake,so that's a good sign.He also had an operation and a few x-rays done,because they needed to see if he would still be able to walk or if he was going to paralyzed but luckily,because he got there on time,they said that everything will be okay and that it wasn't so severe."

"Thank goodness!I was worried sick about him because you don't even send me a message or phone me to let me know what's happening!"

"Sorry it all just happened so quick.I actually just got home and went straight to bed and only woke up like a few minutes ago."

"Geez! Are you okay though?"He asked with concern in his voice.

"Yes.Well I think so,"I said with a heavy sigh,because to be honest I actually didn't know why i've been feeling so drained.It can't be the book,I mean that's my passion,it can't be bringing me down so much.Could it be my dad?Probably I mean the news came so quick i'm guessing i''m still in abit of a shock..OR maybe I just need a holiday!

"Hello??" Josh said bringing me back to reality.

"Sorry..Got carried away with my thoughts.No everything is alright..I'm probably just in desperate need of a break from everything."

"Ya maybe we should go on holiday together?"

"Ya maybe!" I said laughing.

"I'll see you sometime next week,I have to go now Bianca is calling me to go help with supper.Keep well and stop stressing!"

"Ok tell her I say hello.I will see you.Bye"Then I hung up to go and dish out supper.I'm starving!

Finally I was done with everything and in bed again,carrying on where I last stopped with my book.So far it was going well...Then I heard the door,guess my mom finally arrived.I got up and went to go great her.We stayed chatting for a while until she said she's super tired and wanted to go sleep.

"Goodnight"I said kissing her on her cheek.I think we both need rest.Unfortunately there was work tomorrow and I can't stay home again!

Fallen for my BOSS!!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें