Things were getting a bit heated as Chris' hands held my waist tight and I ran my hands through his hair.

We pulled away from the kiss for air. The two of us were extremely out of breath.

"As much as I'd love to continue, I really want to see this movie." I said softly, causing him to laugh and I giggled with him.

"Did I just get cock blocked by a dog?" I burst out laughing and rolled onto my back, holding my stomach to contain the laughter.

I scooted closer to him and we cuddled, watching the movie together.

Hours later, I opened my eyes and found it was dark outside. I reached across the bed and tried to feel for the other body there.

"Chris?" I called into the flat. No answer.

I pulled the covers off of myself and began walking into the living room.

I found Chris with his head in his hands nervously watching a football game.

"You left me in your bed asleep to come watch football?"

"Priorities, babe." He smirked and looked over to me.

"I'm below football on your priorities? That's low Christopher."

"Hey at least you're above tea."

"Okay now that's just crazy." He laughed and I walked in front of him, standing in the way of his football.

"Hey no I need to see this." I turned my head, seeing it was a Liverpool vs City game.

"Not Arsenal? Not worth your time." I straddled his lap and put my arms around his neck, giving him a light kiss on the lips.

"And kissing you is worth my time?" He asked as he pulled away.

"I'm appalled that you would even have to ask." He leaned in to kiss me again but I turned my head so his lips came in contact with my cheek.

"No you're kidding. Not this game." He groaned.

"What game?" I asked innocently, my hand trailing along his jawline.

He leaned in for another kiss and this time kissed my lips, though I didn't kiss him back.

"You're going to be the death of me Rose Moore." He said kissing my cheek.

"Likewise, Christopher Michael Dixon."

"Why add the middle name? You sound like my mother."

"Christopher Dixon doesn't sound right. It's either Chris, Christoph, or Christopher Michael Dixon." He laughed.

"Well, do you want to get back to Annie?"

"I mean I probably should but I don't want to leave you." I said leaning my head into the crook of his neck.

"So I'll come with you." I smiled at him and stood up, beginning to gather all of my things.

I found my jeans from last night on the floor and I had the sudden realization that I don't remember changing.


"Yeah?" He peeked his head into his bedroom door where I stood holding my jeans.

"Did you change me last night?" I asked with a slight hint of amusement in my voice.

He blushed and bit his lip, looking back up to meet my gaze.

"You were complaining about being uncomfortable. I found you a pair of joggers I figured would fit." I slid my hand into the waist band of the pants on the side, feeling the lace under my fingertips as they graze over my underwear.

I suddenly began to feel a bit awkward seeing as he saw me in these last night.

"I kept my hands off, don't worry."

"I wasn't worried. Just thinking it was awkward for you, I'm sorry."

"It wasn't too bad." He shrugged and I nodded, gathering all of my things.

"Ready?" I asked him.

"As I'll ever be." We got into our separate cars so I could get my car home and Chris could drive himself back later.

I blasted music the entire way, following behind Chris in the slight London traffic.

Once we arrived at my apartment, we parked our cars and I led him up.

"Is Annie home?" He asked.

"Of course." I opened the door and entered, immediately smelling alcohol.

"Oh dear." I walked towards her room and saw her laying down in bed with a bottle of Smirnoff ice on the side table.

"Annie?" I asked, stepping into the room.

She merely groaned in response.

"I agree." Chris laughed at my statement and he went to the bed, rubbing Annie's back.

I saw this as a cute photo opportunity. My best friend being comforted by the boy I like.

I snapped the photo and immediately went to twitter.

"@Rosiemoore: Get you a boy that takes care of your best friend pic.twitter/ehqc26rywGwsiTw"

Chris' phone went off and he looked at it, smiling and then looking up to me.

'You're cute' he mouthed, as to not disturb Annie.

'You're cuter.' I mouthed back.

He smiled widely and continued to rub Annie's back.

"You're a good boy Christopher." Annie said. "I'm glad you're with my best friend."

"Me too." We both said simultaneously.

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