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Marty and his girlfriend had been together since they first started going out back in high school. Today is the big day that Marty would finally pop the question to her. Will they end up living happily ever after or would Kate gain cold feet and decline his proposal?


"Come on, man, stop panicking," Mark, Marty's best friend, said. "Everything will go according to plan."

"I'm not panicking. I'm just nervous, alright?"

"What's to be nervous about? The worst that she could do is flat-out reject you, then throw the ring out at sea."


"What? I'm just kidding." Mark laughed, "I'm sure everything will be alright, so there is no need to be nervous."

"Yeah, you're right. Everything will be fine." Marty looked in the mirror and smiled. "This is it!" he said to himself, "if this does not work, then nothing else will." Marty was wearing a black suit with a pink tie.

Marty and his girlfriend, Kate, had been dating for five years now. She transferred to his school from England and they got to know each other during lunch period. After a while, he decided to ask her out. They were taking a stroll along the beach one day after school and then it started to rain. They ran and took cover under a lifeguard tower nearby. They stood there and watched as the rain slowed down, the sky started to become a bright shade of orange, and the sun started to set. It was right then and there that Marty asked Kate to be his girlfriend. Today is now their five year anniversary and Marty decided to propose to her on the same beach and go to a restaurant to celebrate afterward. "Well, it's time. Here goes nothing."

"Have fun! But not too much fun, if you catch my drift," Mark joked, winking at Marty.

Marty slaps Mark over the head on his way to his bedroom door. "Dare I remind you that I am not interested in such inappropriate things," Marty said, glaring at Mark.

"Not yet, and that's because you're a wimp and a scaredy cat," Mark laughed while getting up from sitting on Marty's bed. Marty opens his bedroom door wide and then he points at the front door. He turns to look at Mark and says, "Get out of my house, please."

"You're gonna miss me when I'm gone," Mark said, laughing on his way out the room. "How much do you want to bet on that?" Marty replied, closing the door behind him after they both leave his room.

Grabbing his keys from the living room, Marty then follows Mark out of the house. Mark heads back to his house and is welcomed home by his wife and his two year old son. Marty is on his way to meet Kate at a restaurant called "The Pepper Mirror." Marty chose this restaurant because it was located near the beach.

Arriving at the restaurant, he saw Kate outside waiting for him. She was wearing a black and pink cocktail dress with black heels. Her black hair was tied up into a bun. "Wow! You look amazing, Kate!" Marty complimented as he takes her right hand and kisses it. "Aw, thank you, Marty. How sweet of you to say," Kate replied, blushing. "Well, it's true, dear. Anyway, we have some time before our reservation so why don't we take a little stroll down the beach? It is such a lovely night after all," Marty said, holding his hand out for her to take. The night sky was clear, the moon full and bright, and not a single cloud in the sky. "You're right. Taking a walk would be quite wonderful on such a beautiful night," Kate replied, holding onto his arm.

When they arrived on the beach, they walked together near the ocean waves in a comfortable silence. While in the middle of their walk, Marty thought it was a perfect time to pop the question. With the moon shining down on them, Marty turns to face Kate and then says, "Hey, Kate?" Kate stops and looks at him, "Yes?" she says. "You know that you are the most wonderful person I have ever met, but there is one thing I would like to change about you." Kate is shocked by what he just says and replies, "Oh yeah? What is it?" Marty gets down on one knee, pulls out the ring from his suit pocket and says "Your last name. Will you marry me?" Kate starts to cry immediately after seeing the ring. Marty looks at her confused and asks softly, "Why are you crying?" He continues to say, "Did you really think I wasn't going to marry you?" Kate smiles as her tears continue to fall and then she says, "Of course, I'll marry you!"

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