"Ha ha lol then i would be very much happy...."Saying this she hugged him in sideways.... And lay on his shoulder....

After few minutes travel sanskar's car stopped before a house.... Its a very very small house.... Swara has slept in tiredness.... Sanskar slightly kissed her forehead and woke her up.... "Sweetheart we came.... Get up...." hearing this swara woke up.... She is confused seeing the place....

"Baby what place is this???"

"This is my most memorable place.... Get down...." saying this sanskar came down.... He opened swara's door and held her hand and she came down.... Both went inside.... The house is decorated fully.... When swara entered inside rose petals fell on her.... She is very happy.... Then there is a table decorated with white and blue cloth.... The room is filled with blue and white balloons.... She walked ahead.... The table is filled with all her favorite dishes including fish fry..... Seeing it she felt overwhelmed.... In the center of all dishes there is a heart shaped bowl with lots and lots of candy.... Seeing it swara is very much happy.... She took one candy and unwrapped it and took it to her mouth but before she put in her mouth sanskar took the chocolate.... Seeing it swara frowned....

"Sanskar this is not fair...."

"Everything is fair in love and war swara...."

"Huh this is old dialogue okie.... Give back my choco...."

"This choco is for you only swara.... But i will feed you...."Sanskar said.... Swara felt happy.... Sanskar took the chocolate and kept in between his lips.... Swara is shocked... He took the chocolate and told,"I will feed u with my mouth...."Saying this he again kept the chocolate in his mouth.... And went near swara's lips.... She grabbed it with her lips.... In that both their lips brushed.... And sanskar took it as a chance and kissed her passionately.... After sometime both parted their ways.... Swara beat him playfully....

"Sanskar i want to taste this choco but u huh.... " she said with a frown.... Sanskar smiled and fed her other choco with his hands.... She hugged him.... Then both sat in the chair.... Sanskar served in a single plate.... Swara is cofused.... Before she could realize whats happening sanskar dragged her and mad her sit in his lap.... He hugged her tightly and kissed her cheeks.... Then he feed her the lunch.... She fed to sanskar.....

"Sanskar u didn't tell me till now whose house is this???"

"Sweetheart its my house.... I bought this house in my first salary.... "

"Then ur flat???"

"Swara its our flat.... I bought that after this house...."

"He he okiee.... But u didn't say me till now that u had a house here....."

"Bcoz i want that to be a surprise sweetheart....."Saying this he again pecked her lips..... After romantic lunch date both went to their house..... Its night time....As swasan is going to honeymoon shomi,nirbhay,dida and nikhil came there to send off them..... After talking with them for sometime swasan went to their room after finishing the dinner....

Swara started to pack their bags and sanskar helped her in packing.... They packed all the necessary things..... After packing the things swara became tired.... She went to sleep but sanskar stopped her and started his romance.....

"Sanskar i am very tired today...."She said with a sad face.... Sanskar understood it and lift her and placed in the bed.... He started to press her legs.... Swara is shocked...."No sanskar don't do this.... I am fine...."

"Stop it swara..... Nothing is going to happen.... So be quiet...."Sanskar told and started to message swara's legs.... Within no time she slept..... After that he kissed her forehead and he too slept hugging her.....

Next day both woke up at 1 as they have flight in 3.... Then got ready and came down.... After taking blessings from all swasan went from there.... Laksh went to drop them in airport.... After sending them all went to sleep....

Morning sujatha and ap were doing work.... Kavitha got fine.... So she came down and saw sujatha and ap doing work..... She went to kitchen....

"Aunty shall i help you??"

"No beta we are done with everything.... "ap said.... Suajtha made a coffee and gave it to kavitha..... She went from there taking the cup.... After sometime all finished their breakfast and went to their offices....

Sujatha and ap were talking.... Ragini went to badi.... Kavitha came and saw them talking so she too joined them....

"Jiji now pari is pregnanat.... Adarsh will become father soon.... Sanskar is happy with swara..... I didn't expect i will see my sanskar alive and will be living happily.... Now i don't have any words.... Uttara too came and continuing her studies her..... Only laksh's life became like this.... Hope he gets a good life soon...."Sujatha said with a sad face.... Ap felt bad hearing laksh....

"Ya suajtha now we have to do something.... I can't see laksh suffering like this.... All are settled in their life.... Only laksh is like this.... If at all ragini is good then now laksh would have also been happy...."

"Yes jiji....Y don't we make laksh marry again???"

"Its good idea sujatha.... But will u think laksh will accept???"

"Jiji will make him accept.... "

"Ya sujatha will talk to him about this...."ap said.... Then all talked some random things at that time kavitha asked..."Aunty swara is managing a music school na??? Now who is managing it in her absence???"

"Sharmisthaji only kavitha...."sujatha said...

"Aunty y she didn't ask anyone of u both to manage??? Didn't she believe you???"

"Ha ha kavitha it's not like that.... Sanskar's papa and laksh's papa don't like us going to work.... So she didn't tell us...."Ap said...

"Aunty u r not going to work for permanently na... Just temporarily only na??? I think swara should have talked to u both first...." kavitha said....

"Kavitha i told na and we both are not interested to go to work okie...."Ap said somewhat angrily and went from there..... But sujatha went into thoughts.... Seeing it she smirked....

"Aunty i said in a usual way.... But ap aunty took me wrong.... Sorry i didn't mean to say anything bad.... sorry aunty...."Kavitha said and went from there.... But sujatha felt swara is wrong....

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After many days i updated this ff.... Hope u guys give me good response.... Read the epi and give me ur views....

Bye bye....😊

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