The Awakening.

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"Bliss can you hear me? Wake up sweetie." I was lightly shakening her. But she wouldn't wake up.  "Bliss get up now!" I new she was in a trance by the way her eyes stared blankly at the celeing. "Adducam Bliss a mortuis. Dimittam eam in strigam tenet. Finem hunc!" I heard the air around me bend when i stated this spell. Bliss shot up from the floor. 

"Kerry." She hugged me and i felt a tear slip from her eye.

"Its ok Bliss im here. I'm here. What happened?" She shook her head like she couldnt beileve it.

"The Original Witch wanted to warn you. She said she couldn't get into your mind it was blocked so she had to get in mine."

"What did she need to warn me about sweetie?" I brushed the hair out of her face.

"People know where we are now. They are coming for us. Trying to steal our powers or kill us." I smiled.

"Its ok Bliss. It wont happen alright?" She nodded but i could tell she was still worried.

"Bliss look at me. I promise i wont let anything happen to you or Gabi." She smiled and hugged me. She knew i always keep my word even if it meant death. I would do that for them. "You can invite Tyler over now. If you want. But don't get used to it." She smiled and skipped towards the house phone. Uh i was definitley going to bed. The spell I used completley weakend me. I mean it was the freaking Original Witch.I plopped in bed not even bothering changing. As soon as i was drifitng to sleep. I felt a pair of my favorite blue eyes watching me. 

-Several Hours Later- 

I woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes. "Hmm Gabi it smells good." I walked down the hall to see Damon cooking it. "How'd you get in?" I walked next to his and sat on the counter.

"Gabi let me in. Said 'You're hot. Come on in.' Yah don't let your sister invite people in based on looks." I smiled that was for sure Gabbs.

"Well, it is the house of the three most powerful witches." Damon handed me a glass of milk. "Thanks vampy." And took it.

"So i told Stefan about you. I couldn't stand him thinking i was still in love with Elena." I blushed.

"What exactly did you tell Stefan? Since we haven't DTR'd." Damon looked confused. "Define the relationship." He laughed.

"Sorry dear i've been alive for along time. I DTR at the right moments. This isn't one." He handed me the pancakes and bacon. I smiled and dug in like a hungry animal. "Thats disgusting and hot at the same time." He smirked at me. I smiled and pursed my lips. "Pouting wont get you anywhere." I did the puppy dog eyes. It always worked because i had big round brown eyes. He smiled and pecked me on my lips.

"Thank you." I smiled a victory smile and finished my pancakes. I finished and put my plate in the dishwasher. "So are you going to look in my closet for a dress? Or have you already done that when i was sleeping?" He laughed.

"No but your sisters already picked yours and theres out. Its on your chair upstairs." I nodded.

"Alright Vampy. Then i must get pampered. Have a girls night with Chick Flicks. Girl stuff." And i winked at him. He chuckled.

"Alright i see when I'm not wanted." He began to walk towards the door. 

"Damon wait." He turned around but i was already next to him. I brushed my lips against his and i looked under my lashes to see him smiling like a angel. "Thanks for the pancakes tall guy." He smiled and was gone in a flash.

Gabi walked towards me and started clapping. "Im so proud. He is hot, makes panckes, bacon, and is a good kisser!" I looked confused. How did she know he was a good kisser? "I know by the smile on your face silly." Yes we all had the ability to ready eachothers minds. I rolled my eyes. But my cheeks heated to a deep crimson color. "You have to get ready now! Its four! You slept in so late!" 

I muttered under my breath. "Crap." And darted to my room to see a deep blue gown on my chair with nude heels. I smiled and slipped the dress on. It looked even prettier on. I  started to braid my hair when i heard tapping against my window. I knew it wasn't Damon i had an hour left. Who the hell would it be? I opened my window to Brady my ex vampire boyfriend on my tree. 

"Hey gorgeous." He was right next to me in a second.

"Get out." He put a hand over his heart.

"Ouch. That hurt. I tought you loved me?" He said smirking.

"Yah that was three years ago i was seventeen then. But how old were you 120?" He smiled.

"Someone hasn't lost there spunk." He said rubbing my cheek. I slapped his hand away.

"Aren't you a little to old to be playing mind games?" He chuckled.

"Well, if you really wanted me to leave you would have just used your witchiness to get me to leave. So why do you want me to stay?" He said winking. I used my powers to push him into my wall and grab him by his neck. 

"Now you have to listen to me. My life is finally good. I have a boyfriend who actually cares about what happens to me, sisters that i would do anything for, and friends that will love me till the end. So i f you want to waltz in here and mess it up. Go right ahead. Cause i've gotten stronger. I've learn spells to even kill the strongest of vampires. So before i go twisting your head off with one flick of the wrist i suggest you get out of here." I finally let him go. He was gasping for breath. He looked at me with vengence. He grabbed me by the neck and pushed me on my bed.

"Now its my turn to talk. You are going to kiss me and tell me you miss me." His eyes getting dialted then going back to normal. He started to lean in when i used my powers to throw him into my shelf. 

"You should have thought twice then to think your stronger then me. Now. GET OUT!" He was gone before i even got to say out. Then i heard the doorbell ring and i could tell it was Damon. I ran down stairs. "Come in vampy!" He strolled in looking drop dead sexy. I sware i felt like i was in a Ke$ha song. He strolled his way to me and put his hand on my neck.

"Beautiful, are you ready?" I nodded, gulping when i saw he was going in for a kiss. His lips brushed against mine until the kiss hardened into a passionate one. "We should probably get going." I nodded while he led me to his car. No one spoke on the way there. The kiss shocked the both of us.

When we got to the ball i saw the one thing i never wanted to see again.

My mom and dad.

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