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"Levi someone's want to speak with you" Farlan said "Not now im busy"
"But Levi they said it's urgent" Farlan said in a worried tone "Fine Isabel stay here plz" "but bro I want to come with!" Isabel begged "no it's best for you to stay!" I shouted "Levi wear the gear just in case" Farlan said "both of you to get in your gear" "yes bro" I opened the door seeing a man all in gems and gold he had told me that a man in leather and green is coming after us I didn't believe them. One week later we got the knock at our door we were already wearing our gear. I opened the door and the three of us bolted outside. We flew in the 3D gear we felt like we were free but today we weren't but that's when I saw him. I didn't see Isabel nor Farlan in awhile they screamed to run but I didn't listen. I followed the sound seeing my two best friends in hand cuffs just then the commander pinned Me the ground giving Me a black eye. He asked who trained us to us the gear and how did we get it. Farlan yelled that both of us had stole it and Isabel yelled that we trained each other. Thats when he asked if I"m there leader I replied with a nob. He told one of his guards to throw hand cuffs on me not throw them god dammit Eren i know your reading this You say you can't read but i know you. Any who the commander asked what our names where he told us his was Erwin smith commander of the wings of freedom. He looked and at me and asked if we could make a deal if I join his what ever then we be free I told him yes when I was just kidding. We joined the scouts and a week into training it was our first time to go kick there titans asses
"You ready bro!" Isabel shouted
"Ready as I'll ever be I guess" I replied to her
That night I couldn't sleep What's going to happen next? Farlan Isabel and I got the ODM gear on and got on our horses and we're ready to kill them they each killed 25 when I killed over 50 it was getting foggy out when I suggested that this is the time we strike and kill Erwin they told me to go for it but I regret it.

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