Chapter 14 - Chocolate Umbrella

Start from the beginning

“I have a few consulting contracts.  But I spent most of the time working on this.”  The beeping sound finally stopped on Conrad’s end, indicating that he was now putting his attention to the conversation.

“What are you planning to do with this?”  Emile’s picked up the last bit of what Conrad said.  If Conrad was spending most of the time working on an app, it would not be just a pet project of his.   He became very curious with Conrad’s plan, if any.

“I am trying to figure out too.  You think there is an opportunity here?”

“Hmm, possibly.  Assuming the market follows the same pattern as the Asian ones, like Japan, then it’s already proven that the market potential will be huge.  And the good thing is, it is just the beginning here.”  Emile pondered on what he had been thinking of for the last few months. 

“I agree.  You and I know better than anyone how profitable those mobile gaming companies are. ” Conrad tagged onto Emile’s train of thought.  “They must have been keeping your LEAP engine busy these days.  Oh yea, you guys just raised a big round from Cohen, right?”

“Yes, we did.”  Emile hesitated as he recalled the series of events happened in the office today.  Seeing Marcus was let go in such an ungraceful way, what would happen next?  Having these thoughts brought to the forefront of his mind certainly put a few dents on his excitement.  He subconsciously shook his head. 

“You are doing well then?” Conrad sounded as if he sensed Emile’s hesitance.   

“I am alright.”  Emile answered evasively.

“What do you mean?”  Conrad had always been a guy with few words.  He knew when to turn on his listening ears and this appeared to be the moment.

“Well,” Emile took a deep breath, not sure where to start, “Marcus was let go today.”

“Let go today?”  Conrad asked.

“Yes, let go.  Jeremy is back to take his spot.”

“Jeremy is back to take his spot?”  Conrad exclaimed.

“Yes.  It certainly was a surprise to everyone.”

“It certainly was a surprise to everyone.”  Conrad chuckled.

“Can you please stop repeating everything I said?”  Emile laughed.

“Did I?”  Conrad laughed too.  “I am sorry, I was just stunned.”

“Who wouldn’t be?  Marcus, of all people.”

“Why?  Why did they do it?”  Conrad was now very curious.

“I don’t know.  I am trying to figure that out too.  But I have a hypothesis.”  Emile paused.

“What’s your hypothesis?”

“I guess the Board must be putting the blame of last couple year’s downturn on Marcus’s leadership.  Scapegoat, I supposed?  They need to sacrifice something or someone to convince Cohen that the same mistake won’t be made?”  Emile easily spoke out his thought.  He and Conrad had always been great partners.  He missed having someone like him in the office.  Mason was good too, but no one could match Conrad’s sharp mind.

“Well, I guess this means your LEAP engine will be the gem then.  It certainly has steered the boat into calm waters.  I heard that it was showcased in JavaOne?”

“I am not sure if it is a gem, but yes, it was showcased in JavaOne.”  Emile tried.  He did.  However, even talking about his invention could not bring any positive energy into the discussion of his company. 

Chocolate UmbrellaWhere stories live. Discover now