Chapter 2: Stevie Thompson

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In the far off distances hopping down Hashgrim Street. A big belly thumps along in the distances covered with a light red shirt and long light blue jean shorts. The young boy about the age of nine makes his way down an old broken up side walk. With each step his big belly thumps up and down. He struggles to bend his knees during his motions forward.

Stevie makes his way down Hashgrim Street towards a bunch of old broken up and abandon houses. He continues with one foot in front of the other for his mission today is of the utmost importance. Sweat rains down his puggy face. He takes his hand and tries to wipe his forehead brushing away his curly brown hair. His blue eyes are fixated on the place before him as he keeps hobbling down the street. The bag on his back is black with an image of his favorite superhero, "Captain Sabor," on the back. His small sneakers twitch and bend from his weight while grinding against the concrete pavement. Stevie passes many houses. Some of the old broken up houses have cars in the parking spaces out in front. There are fences broken and rotting from years of wear and tear. Giant trees tower above Stevie on the side walk away from the houses. Some are old and crooked and others are missing many leaves. A few have even grown into power lines. Stevie never once looks at any of them or his surroundings. He keeps moving past all the scary old houses, the broken down mail boxes and the barking dogs almost able to escape the broken fences. About ten minutes pass as Stevie continues on until he stops at a large black iron fence in front of him. His breathing increases and the sweat secedes through his pores. He looks at each metal bar as it sticks straight up like a spear about to pierce his flesh. He continues forwards, but starts to slow his pace as he finds the fences tale medieval looking gate. He slowly turns his body away from the road and stares straight ahead. His eyes become very focused through his thick bottled glasses. The freckles on his cheeks bare witness to the sun as it hits his face and a small shade from the sun hits his eyes glaring some of his sight.

He sees before him an enormous manor. It looks very, very old. From the top of the manor to the bottom the paint is chipped and cracked. The colors of the white manor have faded to a dim dark gray. Wind streaks, rain bubbles in the paint can clearly tell the age of the old manor. The tower part of the building on the right side of Stevie's position is beat and warn. The pointy roof is broken and eroded. Dry and dead leaves lay on the roof and over the edges of the old manor's gutters. The windows of the manor are misshaped and the wood is chipped from the frames. The black exterior has white outline showing through and the paint hangs off of the ends of the frames. Stevie looks down towards the whining walk way towards the manor and sees terrifying gargoyles before him. Leaves and shrubs have grown up around them. The rain has misshaped the coloration of the rock and some of the gargoyles have broken pieces coming off of their structure. He squints a bit and sees once what looked like perfectly crafted and cut giant animal sculptures on the side of the walk way. Now they look like giant deformed bushes. Twisted and deformed from all the years of no one trimming them. The stones in the path towards the house are up rooted and discombobulated. The different color stones each showing their age from the years of being walked on and pushed deeper into the soil. Stevie's eyes are locked on the old manor. He squints hard to get through many of the shadows which block his gaze. He sees the front porch of the manor. It wraps around the building hugging it close. The white paint scratched out and shredded. The stairs on the porch are broken and misplaced, but yet mostly intact. There at the front of the manor a very big old fashioned door. It is marked up, but still has a very nice classic look too it. The brown paint remains shiny and the medal door knob is lightly rusted. The door has three windows. The middle one is a large crystal shape while the other two windows looks like small hills with each of their own coloration. You can't see through them for they have been covered in dust for many years, maybe even decades. Stevie's eyes try to gaze closer towards the door; while taking a very deep breathe, but he struggles due to his tremendous weight. The bag on his back pulls tight around his shoulders as he tries to breathe deeply. "Today is the day," he says to himself. He clenches his right fist and pounds it into his left palm. A smile jerks on Stevie's face from his big red and pink lips. The pale skin on his cheeks mush and pull as his face pulls up from his smile.

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