He laughed quietly and put the truck into drive and drove off.

"How'd you find me?" I asked him.

"I just know these things," he replied.

"You're crazy already," I shook my head.

With one hand on the top of the steering wheel and the other arm leaning against the open window, he drives onto Hollywood Boulevard.

"Where are we going for lunch?" I asked him.

"I was thinking maybe 'Musso and Frank Grill'," MacGyver suggested.

"Oh they're way too expensive, I couldn't ask you to pay for both of ours," I told him.

"No, I'm paying, I'd like you to pick anything you want and I'll pay. Or maybe we can call this a business meeting and we can have the Foundation pick up the bill," he chuckled.

I shook my head and laughed, watching the palm trees go by.

"Have you always lived here?" I asked MacGyver.

"No, I was born in Minnesota and grew up there. Then I went to college here and permanently moved here, or, well, until further notice," he answered, tapping the steering wheel with his thumb as he spoke.

"You grew up in Minnesota?" I repeated as a question.

"Yes I did, and I loved every minute of it," he nodded to me.

"I used to live there too," I said, very quietly, hoping he hadn't heard.

"What was that?" He asked, leaning towards me a little.

"I didn't say anything worth hearing," I told him.

He let it go and soon we pulled into the beautiful restaurant. This relatively small place has served many famous people before, such as Marilyn Monroe, Charlie Chaplin and I believe even Frank Sinatra. MacGyver opened my door for me and escorted me to the door. He was such a gentleman.

Throughout lunch we continued to speak about our lives, about ourselves and about almost everything else we could manage to think of. The food was divine, and outrageously expensive but MacGyver insisted on paying for both of us.

"Would you like me to drive you home?" He asked as we finish our meal.

"I suppose that would be quite nice, especially since you drove me here," I smiled.

He smiled back up at me, pulling out his wallet from his back pocket.

"You wouldn't happen to need to use the ladies room, only coincidentally, would you?" He said, glancing down at the little black booklet in front of him.

I laughed quietly and stood up. I made my way to the bathroom slowly, then wandered a bit just outside, looking at all the beautiful pictures and decorations on the walls.

Eventually I made my way back to the table and MacGyver escorted me to the truck.

"I had a wonderful time with you MacGyver," I told him as he started the truck.

"I had a great time with you too," he smiled sweetly.

"Could you bring me home?" I asked him as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"Sure I can," he replied.

MacGyver drove me home in silence, it was a beautiful silence that was neither awkward or painful.

We stood at my front door together, he leaned against the wall. It felt like the end of a high school date.

"I'd really like to do this again, maybe next time we won't go to such an expensive place," I laughed a little.

MacGyver chuckled and stepped forward, towards me. "Maybe you'll pick next time."

"Maybe so," I agreed, stepping towards him.

We were now almost body to body on my front porch. The sun was making its way down the sky now and was shining onto my door. MacGyver and I continued to get closer, our heads tilting to the side only a little. He removed his hands from his pockets and took up my hands.

"Have a good evening, MacGyver," I breathed, kissing his cheek then ducking into my house.

I closed the door behind me and leaned my head against it. I let out a heavy sigh. What was I supposed to do now? I could not get into a relationship now, that would be kind of stupid, I will be traveling so far away so often that we would not be able to enjoy each other like a couple should. And besides, I have only known MacGyver a few hours, I really don't know him, do I?

I took a shower and sat on my couch watching television. After a while I got up and walked to the refrigerator. All I was wearing was an over-sized sweater and my underwear, which were covered mostly by the sweater. I took out a carton of ice cream from the freezer and start to eat it with a spoon. Right when I sat back down on the couch someone knocked on the door, so I stood up and answered the door. MacGyver stood before me.

"Hey," I said with a slight blush.

"Hi, I didn't mean to..." he trailed off, looking slightly embarrassed.

I realized that the way I was dressed had power over him, he was a decent gentleman. MacGyver was a good guy. I set down my carton of ice cream and looked up at him.

"I like you," I stated.

He looked back at me with surprise all over his handsome face. "You do?"

"I do, maybe we can be something sometime, but I think right now we should just not have a plan and see how it goes, that's always best, then no one gets their feelings hurt by someone saying 'let's just be friends' and no one has any high hopes that could be destroyed," I suggested to him.

"That-that's a good idea Fynlee," he nodded.

"I know it is," I smirked in a playful way. "Why don't you come in?"

A Classic MacGyver storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon