Back Again

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The next day, Kelly was washing the Squad 3 truck and River was walking to the big doors. He spotted her and smiled. "Hey!" He said with a smile. "I had to ask the city office where 'Lieutenant Kelly Severide' works! And they told me Firehouse 51. And since I haven't actually...SEEN a firehouse or the inside of one a day in my life, I had to look for it on a map of the city." She said as she walked over. He was still smiling. "Let's just say, you are a hard man to find Kelly." She added. He chuckled. "Well, I'm glad you found me." He told her. She took her hands out of her sweater pockets and held out a little black box. "You'd better not be proposing." He joked. "Why? Because you'd say no?" She asked, teasing him. "That's not..." He stumbled and didn't know what to say. "You're's just that...I know it's normal for a woman to fall for a man who risks his life for her or for a firefighter because we're brave. And that' attraction. So..." He told her, nervously. She was giving him a look with a raised eyebrow and half smile. "There's no ring in there. Is there?" He said. "Well, last I checked I was my own hero. And I had to save your dumb ass from falling. So I was not only my own hero but yours as well." She said. "Fair enough." He replied and smiled. "So what's really in that thing?" He asked. "Well...since you were so brave enough and managed to calm me, which was a great job by the way. I got you these." She said and opened the black box to show him. "Fire extinguisher cufflinks!" He said and laughed. "That's so awesome. I'm totally wearing these with my dress uniform. Thank you." He said. "You're welcome. And thank you." She said as he hugged her. "Mind if I take a look around?" She asked. "I don't mind at all! Go on ahead! Nobody bites." He said. She walked into the building further. "I love how friendly firefighters are." She said. Kelly smiled as he watched her walk to the main doors and go inside. He gently shook his head and went back to wrapping a hose.

She wandered to the main area where Mouch was sitting on the couch and Hermann was at a long table with Matt and Gabby, Otis and Cruz were all at a small round table. Sylvie was in the kitchen fixing up herself a snack. "Hey! Look who it is! The Fireman's rescuer!" Hermann said. She smiled and looked to the floor then back up. "I'm glad to see you've found us." Matt said as he stood up. He walked to her and extended his hand. She shook his hand with something rolled inbetween their hands. He looked confused then looked at his hand with something black and satin rolled in it. "What's this?" He asked. "Just a thank you gift." She said. "Aw, you didn't have to get me anything." He told her and unrolled it to reveal a black tie with flames on the bottom crawling up the tie a little. " the coolest thing I ever saw and have received. Thank you." He said. "You're welcome." She replied and smiled. "So this is the main area!" She said. "Yeah! This is where we hang out, spend our down time, eat." Otis said as he jumped from his chair and made his way to her. "Have you ever seen inside a firehouse?" He asked her. "No. I haven't." She answered. "Well! Allow me to give you the tour." He said and began to guide her away. "Unbelievable." Cruz said. "The very first available girl who shows up and he swoops in like some...hawk." He said. Casey smiled and went back to his seat and sat down. "Well can you blame the guy? He needs somebody in his life." Casey told him. "Yeah! I do too!" Cruz argued back. "Well this is gonna get interesting." Hermann said. Mouch chuckled, already knowing the outcome.

Otis showed River around the firehouse and lead her to the Chief's office. "I'm sure our Chief has a couple words for you." He said and knocked on his door then opened it. "Uh...Chief? This is the girl. River." Otis introduced. Chief Boden began to smile and rose from his seat. Otis guided her inside. She entered his office and held her hands respectively in front of herself. He walked around his desk and stood before her. "Um, sir. May I speak first?" She asked politely. "Of course." He said, with his gruff voice, as he rested his hands on his hips. Still with a wide smile on his face. "Chief, sir, if it wasn't for your men responding as quickly as they did...I'm sure I'd have been on the bottom floor. And so, I thank you and your crews for their services and I hold you all, with the utmost respect and in...such high regards. I can't even tell you..." She said to him. "You just did." Chief Boden responded. Still smiling. She smiled a bit. "I want to thank you, personally. For saving the life of one of my own. Lieutenant Severide is one of the best and I do not know what we would do without him. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you." He said. She started to feel emotional. "Come here darling." He said and embraced her. She held him tight and buried her face into his shoulder. He rubbed her back, giving her comfort.

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