Chapter 1: Too Hard To Let Go

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-Natalie's P.O.V-

"Do you really have to go??" Melanie asks. Neason Melanie, to be exact. "Please don't," she continues to beg.

"Mel, quit your act. I mean, we can always call and chat and DM and other stuff. Of course, I'll miss you too. But, I'll be back for holidays. So, don't worry too much, 'kay?" I try to persuade.

Melanie and I have been best friends since third grade. She's pretty much the kind of friend who can change my tear into laughter within a minute.

To be honest, I'm not quite sure of leaving. I mean, I really want to go. But, this girl keeps on tugging on my feelings that I think it's too hard to let go of her.

I try to keep my tears from flowing.

"Hey, sunshine," my mum greets. "Need any help?"

I look at her. My mum is somehow the prettiest woman I've seen in my life. She has quite fair skin, hazelnut eyes and a beautiful, pink smile. So unlike me. I've got tend skin and jet black eyes. Oh life...

"Um, have you seen my pink t-shirt? The one with little blossoms." I ask. "Yeah, it's downstairs. I'll go get it for you," she says as I watch mum leave the room.  24K Magic was playing in the background. I sigh. At least that could make me smile when packing my suitcase is awfully stressful.

"You know what, I still don't understand. Why do you like Bruno Mars so much? I mean, it's not because I'm jealous or anything. You just seem to like him, a lot," Mel asks, her voice breaking the silence and my trance.

I think for a long time. Why do I like Bruno Mars so much? Because he's cute? Or his words are so sweet? Maybe, it's because he's voice makes me melt? 1001 questions run in my head.

Peter Gene Hernandez. All of a sudden, his real name comes to my mind. Wait, why am I remembering that<....

"I'm not sure, I guess." I reply. "Why do you like K-Pop so much?" I ask her back. "Nothing you need to know," she says and sticks her tongue out. I raise an eyebrow and laugh.

I'm really gonna miss this.

"Hey, will you past my sandals?" I ask after a few minutes of silence. Mel turns around to find a pair of sandals on a low shelf. "Here," she hands them to me. When I finished packing, I zip the bag and rest my head on the boarder of my bed.



Hey! Sorry for the lame (and short) chapter...

I hope you guys won't be a quiet reader.

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Nurinafiqahz 💝

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2017 ⏰

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