Welcome to the Quarter

Start from the beginning

 He glances away, sucks in a quick, shaky breath, and returns his gaze to me. His eyes are glassy, brimming with tears. "I will try to understand."

 I smile warmly, grateful. "Thank you, Elijah."

 Sophie, who has been silent for a long time, finally steps forward. She looks at the two of us and announces, "I don't mean to interrupt, but you did say that you would help us, and we would kind of like to get Klaus on board as soon as possible. The faster Marcel is chased out of the Quarter, the better."

 "She is right, Elijah. Marcel is a menace. He cannot be in charge any longer," I say, my brows drawing together. The venom drips from every word as I add, "He has murdered too many. He must pay for what he's done."

 Elijah slides his hands into his blazer pockets. "Niklaus is here in the city. I will find him, and I will get him to return with me here. The rest will then be up to you."

Klaus's POV-

 I stand on a balcony, the Quarter spread out below me. The sound of laughter and music floats up on the warm, gentle breeze from the streets below. Lights flicker and flash all across the town. I ponder over things as I look upon the kingdom that was once mine. Then, I hear a small whoosh, and the overbearing smell of familiar cologne assaults my senses. I am no longer alone.

 "Evening, Elijah," I say, not even throwing a glance at my brother. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see him standing to my left, wrapped in a veil of shadows.


 I turn to him, frowning. "What an entirely unwelcome surprise," I mutter.

 "And what an entirely unsurprising welcome." Elijah turns to me with a tight smile. He cocks his head, and steps to go back inside. "Come with me."

 I turn back to the railing, placing both hands firmly on the cool, black metal. "I'm not going anywhere," I declare, "Not until I find out who is conspiring against me." I only want Elijah to leave- leave me be, leave the town- I do not care. I just do not wish to be in his presence.

 I am about to order him away, when he says something unexpected, "I believe I just found that out for you."

 My gaze turns to my brother, and I narrow my eyes at him.

 "Where are you taking me, Elijah?"

 Elijah leads me to the gate of a cemetery, and I glance at the sign above the entrance. It reads, "Lafayette Cemetery". I turn back to Elijah and ask, "What are we doing here?"

 "You want to know what the witches have in store for you?" he inquires, not really expecting an answer. His head turns in different directions, as if he is looking for something-or someone. His head turns again, and he starts to lead me down a side path through rows of mausoleums. "Follow me." I follow Elijah into one of the mausoleums. As he pushes the wrought-iron gate open, I can see the glow of candlelight and the silhouettes of two young women. As the mausoleum opens up around me, I can make out who the two women are.

 "Elizabeth. I haven't seen you in a while. Last time I heard, you had run off and left my brother."

 "Not the time, Niklaus," Elijah says quickly. Elizabeth narrows her eyes at me, her features hardening.

 "And Sophie Deveraux," I mumble, looking at the witch standing beside Elizabeth. My head whips to Elijah. "What is this?"

 "He's all yours," Elijah tells them, motioning to me, "Proceed."

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