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The drifts of snowflakes spun wildly behind my window as the wind howled eerily along the Kazahana Castle walls. It was dark outside and the few snowflakes I could make out were drowned by the golden light of the candle on the nightstand next to me. Usually, watching the snow fall was such a calming activity for me but tonight they seemed to be spinning out of control. As if they knew something was coming and they were trying desperately to escape. Standing up from my chair, I walked over to the candle in the window sill as it gently flickered with my presence nearing. It was the only light I had in my room as I tried to keep my sleepless nights hidden from the guards. My father would lecture me if he found out I was staying up so late. Yet, I couldn't help it. There was suddenly a knock at the large double doors to my room that made me jump, trying to blow out the flame quickly. I waited for a moment. It was very rare for there to be a knock at the door this late at night. A few more knocks were placed and I realized that something wasn't right. 

"Come in!" I called out, my chest feeling tight. A guard appeared from behind the door, holding a candle as he peeked into my dark room. He looked at me with concern present in his expression.

"Lady Miyuki, I'm sorry to disturb, but your father would like to see you in his study. Something pressing has come up." The guard said, his tone low.

 I was almost positive that I knew what my father wanted to see me about. The castle was seeing more and more frequent attacks from a mysterious rebel militia that emerged in our lands a few months ago. Our guards had made efforts to stop their destructive activities but they couldn't seem to catch the rebels; at least none that were still alive. They had a bad habit of killing themselves if they felt they were about to be captured.

 I nodded at my father's guard and grabbed a coat hanging off a chair; the castle was freezing at this time of night. The guard escorted me through a series of elegantly decorated hallways. Every sound echoed off the marble walls, amplifying even the slightest noises and made everything seem much larger than it would during the daytime. We finally stopped before a larger wooden door, as the guard pushed it open for me. With caution, I entered my father's study room; I was on edge already and I didn't know what to expect. Finally, after a moment of peering around, I spotted my father sitting in a large leather seat in the corner of the room, his hands buried in his face. I'd never seen him in such rough shape, not since my mother passed away. I knew something wasn't right; I'd been sensing it for days. I straightened myself up and walked toward him, knowing I couldn't afford to be afraid. For my father's sake. 

"Miyuki," Father called out to me gently as he looked up from his hands. Even behind his glasses, I could see that his deep blue eyes were riddled with exhaustion, "I need you to do something for me; it's come to the point where I need your help."

"Father, what are you talking about? What is it?" I asked puzzled. His tone sounded like it was laced pain; like he was reluctant about what he was asking from me.  

With a heavy sigh, he continued. "It seems that the Rebel Forces are becoming bolder with each passing week. They set up bombs that detonated near the homes of the villagers. I've sent in my own personal guards to infiltrate the group, but none of them return.  We're not exactly sure what the motives of this group are, but we do know that we must stop them before the lives of anyone else from our village is lost in meaningless violence."

I tried to keep as calm as possible but I was beginning to panic. "Father, you have to let me go after them." I said carefully, "If what you're saying is true, then I can stop them!" I exclaimed. "With the help of that monster's chakra inside me-"

"Absolutely not! I could never allow my daughter to fight an army by herself; regardless of strength! Don't you understand that you and your sister are all I have left? If anything ever happened to you, I could never forgive myself." My father replied sounding more fearful then angered. "I can't... I can't loose you again."

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