"Err...I suppose so yes." He agreed and offered his arm.

She took his arm and they walked out into French Court, when they arrived the party was in full swing, dancing and laughter. The only gloomy faces were those of Mary and Francis, whom were sitting at the far corner of the room. When the King and Queen entered almost everyone's head turned to look at the two of them, including those of the dauphin and Queen of Scots. Catherine and Henry marched to the thrones and he gave her hand a light kiss before she sat down, looking out on the partiers who had resumed their frolicking.

Mary and Francis however were storming to the front of the room, when they reached the thrones Francis began his rant. "Father, what do you think you're doing? Bringing mother out into Court when she's hours away from death? Mother what do you think you're doing agreeing to let him bring you out in public when you're ill? Mary and I have been worried sick and now you look bright and peppy?"

"Francis dear don't worry, I'm fine." She smiled.

"You're fine?! FINE?! Last time I checked you were dying!"

"No need to alert all of Court. I'm fine, your father found some sort of tonic and now I'm better then before! You and Mary shouldn't worry, plus..." She said lowering her voice and leaning forward so to whisper, "I think I found a way to occupy your father during his more...intimate headaches." She pulled back giggling again...Catherine never giggled.

Francis looked slightly horrified, Mary however looked as though she completely understood the situation. "Mother! Whatever is the matter with you?"

"I've never felt better Francis, I have nothing to worry about, no responsibility, you needn't worry I'm a ruler I can do as I wish."

"What have you done to her?" Francis hissed at his father.

"Oh she's fine." He reassured them, "She's just learned that she needs to spend less time worrying and more time enjoying herself."

"Enjoying herself?! ENJOYING HERSELF?!" Francis's tone was growing and Mary had to put a hand on his arm to calm him. "Mother, if you don't mind coming with me?"

"I'm fine here, the party's only just begun."

"Yes but..."

"Francis?" Mary spoke up, "A dance if you would?"

"A dance? Mary do you really think...?" He stopped when realizing she wanted to speak with him.

"Yes, of course." Francis nodded as he led Mary to the dance floor.

As they began to dance Mary spoke, "I know what's happened."

"To my mother you mean?"

"Yes, I think Henry's illness must be contagious in one way or another and Catherine was unfortunate enough to catch it."

"Mary this is a problem, if both my parents are insane no one will be able to run France, especially with me leaving for Cali in the morning."

"This is horrible." Mary sighed.

"We have to snap her out of it, before it's too late."

"What do you mean before it's too late?"

"I mean, before the whole of French Court realizing their king and queen are insane." Francis hissed in a low voice.

"Too late." Mary groaned, Francis turned to look where Mary was gazing and his mouth fell open.

His mother and father were now twirling across the dance floor, Catherine's dress swirling around her as she let a small laugh escape her lips. She bid the dance steps no regard for she made them up as she went, her strawberry blonde curls coming loose from her bun. The rest of the room was in awe of the royal couple and their newfound happiness. Francis had to admit is mother was an excellent dancer, and he had never seen her so happy in all his life. Henry dipped her and then swirled her back up and their lips met as cheers went up from the rest of the party. Catherine grinned at her husband and they began giggling and chatting over by the food. Francis and Mary debated whether to approach the couple or not but seeing as this could get dangerous quickly they decided to talk to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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