Chapter 2: A Slow Arrival

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An hour passed, and everyone seemed about ready to leave. Sabrina searched the house for sleeping bags, blankets, flashlights, all the essentials needed if they were going to camp out in some old house.

"Everything is packed and ready to go. We all know how to get to the house, correct?" Everyone nodded in response to Sabrina's question. Chad and Brian headed off towards Chads car.

"You ready for the most awkward night ever?" Asked Brian, a bit of a frown plastered on his face. His confrontation with Carly had put him in an even worse mood than before.

"Just stick by me the whole time and try to stay a good distance away. All you have to do is make small talk for a single night, it's really not as bad as you're making it out to be." Chad started the car and backed out of the driveway. It was about an hour ride to get to the house, so it wouldn't be a short ride.

"She was just really weird is all," replied Brian.

Brian dozed off as Chad kept driving to Oak Street. The highway was practically empty, but it was pitch black as far as the eye could see. Chad kept his high beams on and carefully maneuvered down the road.

The road began to get bumpy, and Chads car starting shaking and bouncing uncontrollably. Chad gripped he wheel tight, his hands turning white. Brian jolted awake and looked around in shock.

"What the hell is going on Chad?"

"Just some bumps, this old car can handle it a----" Chad was cut short by a loud pop, and a hiss came from one of his tires.

"Damn it. I think I got a flat, I'll go outside and check it out. Go on your phone and text the others that we need someone to come give us a ride. It's too late at night to get towed, plus, we're basically stopped in the middle of nowhere!" Chad hastily opened the door and went out to inspect the tires. Brian checked his phone, but no service was available. He began to panic.

"Um, Chad. Do you have your phone on you, mine isn't getting a single bar. Tell me you brought your phone." Brian's voice sounded nervous. He began anxiously scratching the back of his head as Chad searched his jeans for his phone.

"Got it right here, let me check." Brian sighed a breath of relief as Chad pulled out his phone.

"We might have a problem dude, I'm not getting a signal either. Let's stay calm and just wait here and see if anyone happens to pass us by." Chad maintained a calm voice, knowing that Brian becomes anxious very easily. Chad hopped back into the car and tapped a tune on the window. It was silent except for the tapping of Chads fingers on the glass, and the slight humming of crickets in the woods nearby.

Another hour passed, not a single car driving through.

"Maybe we should try walking down the road a bit and see if there's a better reception. Maybe we're just at a weak spot." Chad turned to Brian's voice, eyes half open as if he might fall asleep any second.

"With our luck we'll walk down there and miss someone driving by. It's better if we stay here and wait," replied Chad. Chad and Brian stayed inside the car, their eyes beginning to close shut.

"Wait, Chad look it's a truck coming down the road! Flash the lights so he can see us!" Chad turned on the lights, the passing car began turning towards where they were stranded. The truck was golden brown, rust creeping down the sides towards the worn down tires, covered in a thick layer of grim. The windows were slightly tinted, but the driver could still be seen. He looked to be a man around fifty years old with a black beard, turning a light gray with age. His face covered in wrinkles, markings of the times he has gone through. The old truck stopped and a clank echoed throughout the night. The driver stepped out and made his way towards the car.

"How are you doing kiddos? Seems like you're in a sticky situation." He rested his arm on the side of Chads car.

"Ya, my car got a flat and our phones aren't getting a reception. You mind giving us a ride to Oak Street?"

"Must be pretty desperate if you're asking a creepy old man like me to give you a ride! I've heard many stories about that damned Oak Street, too many stories. You boys better not be getting into any trouble down there. Get yourselves out of that car and I'll give you a lift." The man motioned with his grimy, tattered hands towards his truck. Brian and Chad reluctantly stepped out and made their way towards the truck.

"The name's Perry by the way. I live down in Ridgewater, not too far from Oak Street."

"Oh great, we both know where Ridgewater is." Chad stepped into the back seat of the truck and Brian followed.

Once everyone was seated, Perry began driving towards Ridgewater. The radio turned on blaring some old country music, something about beer and babes? Chad and Brian sat quietly in the back, their phones still not getting a signal.

Brian began studying Perry, looking at him closely. Perry had an unusual grin, his yellow teeth resembling a row of decaying corn. Perry had a strange vibe, and Brian still felt uneasy about being in the same car as him.

Click. The locks on the doors went down. Brian tugged the door handle to see if it would open, nope. He tried unlocking the door, nope.

"Why'd you lock the doors all of a sudden? Is something wrong?" Asked Brian, his hand beginning to jitter.

Perry reached towards his waist, pulling out a pistol.

"You boys better buckle up, we have a long ride ahead of us."

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