Chapter One: The Calm Before The Storm

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Hayley stood in her room in front of her bed, remembering the events of the previous hours before; however her thoughts were interrupted by Elijah knocking gently on the door.

"Are you okay?" He asked quietly concerned for her as he had recently lost Gia and he wasn't about to lose another person he cared for. He couldn't.

"I'm fine. Come in." Hayley lied, turning around to him briefly. She didn't want to trouble him with her actions; he had enough to sort through. Besides she was more than capable of taking care of herself, she had done so for years. So, Elijah walked into the room whilst Hayley returned to her packing, "Jackson's gathering the pack to tell them to go back to their families... what's left of them." she explained knowing he would want to know. Elijah then held out a set of keys for her, the jingling prompting her to turn around.

"You should be quite comfortable." He stated, wishing that Hayley would stay in the compound where it was safe. At least she wasn't in the Bayou where it would be difficult to get to her in the need arised.

"Thank you for this." She replied, retrieving the keys from Elijah, thankful for all he had done for her, Jackson and Hope. They stood there for a minute in silence before Hayley spoke again, "You know, there was a moment at the bonfire last year when I thought we would be okay. That Hope could be raised by a real family. For the first time, I was happy." She admitted, before turning on a darker note, "I hate Klaus for taking that away from me."

"These belong to you. I recovered them after you turned." Elijah said changing the conversation topic not wanting to hear about his psychopathic brother, he held out a red jewellery box containing Hayley and Jackson's wedding rings as well as her necklace. He wasn't sure what else he could say to try and ease her pain. He then walked toward the door to leave but then stopped wishing to let her know something.

"I thought only of you. Every day, I fought for your return, and..." He began filled with despair and desperation, not being able to bring himself to look at her,"...Searching for a way." With that he left, but not before making one final statement.

"You were not forgotten."

And with that he went, heartbroken by Hayley's marriage to Jackson and then by his brother killing Gia; he had finally hit rock bottom. 

The only thing keeping him going was Hope.

Elijah, Niklaus and Freya were all in the courtyard, Freya preparing a spell by lighting candles around a piece of parchment, Niklaus was pouring his blood into a bowl for the spell and Elijah stood patiently waiting for the other two to finish.

"If you fed on this prophetic witch, her blood is still in your system. If there's a weapon that can kill you, we need to know." Freya explained, laying out pieces of paper with the three remaining originals names written on them in Viking numerals. Niklaus had set the filled up bowl in front of her, so she dunked her fingers into it connecting to Alexis and her visions, she began chanting to start the spell, "No mentre le prophecie que la otra ve. No mentre le prophecie que la otra ve." However, blood began to trickle out of her ear and the two brothers became concerned at the strain Freya was putting her body through to cast this spell. She began to chant louder, "No mentre le prophecie que la otra ve. No mentre le prophecie que la otra ve." The table began to shake; worried for his sister Elijah put a hand on her arm.

"Freya? Stop!" Elijah shouted as the shaking of the table had become vicious and loud. Despite this Freya, stubbornly, continues with the spell and it begins to take effect.

Freya heard church bells striking throughout the visions which included Elijah's portrait being splashed with blood, and a beast of some fashion with fangs as it roared revealing its bloody teeth. As Freya was pulled out of the vision she gasped loudly staring into the flames that had erupted and engulfed the parchment.

"It's true. You have a terrible shadow over you. Rebekah, too. If this prophecy is fulfilled, you will all fall..." Freya explained grimly, visibly shaken by what she had seen "...One by friend, one by foe, and one... by family." At the last part she looked up at the pair, both of them sharing a worried glance; attempting to deduce whom would be the one to betray the family.


Or Elijah?

Or perhaps it would be someone else?

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