"Sure," she said.

Nick put his cards down, stood up, and started to pace the floor. "Well, we've known each other for a few months now, right?"


"And I have been pretty hard on you too."

"Not that much. I took it because you wanted me to do my job right."

Nick reached into his pocket feeling something small, closed his eyes and sighed, “You can do this.”

“What?” she asked puzzled.

He stopped and faced her, "Could you come here for a minute?"

Amber put her cards down, quickly got up, and stood beside him. "What's wrong?" she asked.

Nick turned to face her. "Now, don't take this the wrong way, but I really like you, a lot, and I don't want to rush into things but..." he kneeled down on one knee while pulling out a small robin blue box, and opens it. "Amber... will you be my girlfriend?"

Amber's eyes widen seeing a ring, but not just any ring. It was a platinum Tiffany Bezet Heart ring; the diamond heart was imbedded in the band.

"Oh Nick, it's beautiful."

"So, will you be my girlfriend?"

Amber smiled, "Yes, Nick I'll be honored to be your girlfriend."

He smiled as he took it out, and took her right hand. "Now, you know why I want it here?" he asked as he slipped it onto her right hand ring finger.

"So the fans or everyone else doesn't know about it?" she asked as he stood up to face her.

"Yes," he smiled. "I hope that you understand."

"No, it's fine. I'm fine with it. You want a lasting friendship and maybe turn it to some special down the road." She smiled, "We're kind of sneaky around everyone."

"Well, the only ones that is going to know is Rob, my family of course."

"We’ll tell them. I don't want to hide anything in front of our friends." She then sighed closing her eyes. "Could I tell Zac?"

"Sure as long as he doesn't tell everyone else."

"I promise to make sure no one else knows."

"Great." He hugged her and looked into her eyes. "Now, may I kiss you?"

"Of course."

They kissed. It was a slow kiss at first, but a little passionate, but Nick stopped the kiss.

"I better go."
"Yeah," Amber smiled.

They walked to the door hand in hand, and they kissed before Amber opened the door, and Nick left.

Amber leaned back against the door after it closed and she looked down at the ring. She was itching to put it where it really goes, but it was a friendship ring, nothing more. She just couldn’t believe that it was a Tiffany Company ring.

She went and got ready for bed, and left the ring on while she went to sleep.


The next day, Nick woke up Amber with a sweet wakeup call, singing to her a silly song to make her giggle.

They packed up and met out in the hallway with everyone else.

Nick reached over to hold Amber's hand and told everyone what was going on, which they were happy for them, but promised not to say anything. As they got to the lobby, Nick let go of Amber's hand, which she was puzzled at first, but understood as they headed toward the limo. They climbed in as the driver put in their bags, and Nick and Amber got in and held hands on the way to the center.

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