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My name is Naomi Jackson, my friends call me Nao I know right sounds weird but my friends are who they are but we're not here to talk about them were here for the most popular guy in highschool, the cliche football star always gets the girls, has all the guys wanting to be like him.. "wait I just zoned out".... anyway his name is john and he has been my crush since headstart. "Oh you want a flash back ok then"

Headstart 6 yrs ago
I'm sitting alone at the PE table because I was scared then john comes up "hi wat arre yowe doing ovfer here" he says  (yes we didn't know how to talk that much) I looked up at him and pointed to the slide john traced my hand and saw me pointing at the slide "yowe wante two slibe" john asked I nodded my head yes and he took my hand and led me their at the top of the ladder I stopped john looked back at me "itts okabe just holded on two mev" he said sitting at the top he looked back and smiled and I was crushing his hands and in two seconds it was over we both fell on the ground and gave each other a high-five "see I knew yowe coulbd do itt" john said I smiled and ran off to go again. We had been chained together since then play dates, sleep overs, soccer tryouts we did everything together.

6 yrs now
Until the 3rd year he became john the star quarterback instead john my best friend, now he barely talks to or hangs out with me and Everytime I would try to hang he would be busy hanging out with his new friends so I just stopped trying but I can't forget him, I won't forget him soon we will be best friends again "Naomi Jackson GET YOUR BEHIND TO BED" my mom yelled "sorry mom"! Mom's they just ruin the mood "we already know your story Nao can we go to sleep now" Beth said I rolled my eyes "fine" I said sighing I fluffed my pillow and went to sleep because I can't wait for school horray. Nottt 

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