It's Kind Of a Birthday Present

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Anders and I laugh merrily after Ty scared his younger brother, feigning to run him over with his van when the younger had been oblivious to the approaching van. I can't blame Ty for wanting to scare his younger brother for having been standing in the middle of the street, not paying attention to his surroundings.

Axl shoves the van by the front as Ty makes the van's horn go off. "Happy birthday, dickhead," Ty says, his voice reaching Axl with no problem because of the rolled down windows.

"Happy birthday, Axl," I call, deciding to be the normal person and not insult Axl on his birthday, even though he tends to be childish and reckless.

"Your destiny awaits," Anders says with his head sticking out of his window. He pulls back his head into the van when Axl approaches the window. "Get in the van now."

"I thought you were banished from this family," Axl says with a smirk directed at Anders as he leans on the van, bending his head a bit because of his tall form.

"Flying visit," Anders counters with his own smirk on his face.

Anders starts to make room for Axl. He actually lifts me onto his lap, while he takes my seat. I can't help but feel quite comfortable, but shake my head to rid myself of such thoughts. He winks at me and I roll my eyes at him as he keeps me in place with an arm around my waist, while I have one arm around his shoulders. Some would consider this flirting and everything else that seems like flirting, but it isn't. We're just really comfortable around one another with no tension or other worries.

Grams, Anders and his family are the only ones who will never think we're flirting, for they are used to it after having been behaving like this with one another for almost all of our lives. Still, I cannot help but feel the tingly feeling in my chest and the butterflies in my stomach when being this close to him.

"Get in the van," Ty says and I can feel his irritation rolling off in waves.

"Do I really have to do whatever this sodding thing is?" says Axl, annoyance clear on his features.

"Yes, really," Ty answers.

"Just get in the van," I say, getting annoyed that he's making this difficult.

"Don't you want to meet your grandfather?" Anders supplies.

Axl knits his brows in confusion while staring at Anders. "I don't have a grandfather," he says slowly.

"That is where you are wrong, my young grasshopper," I say, grinning at Axl, who still looks to all of us with a confused look, as if we were mental or something. I feel Anders squeeze my waist, telling me he is very much amused.

I squeak in surprise when Ty thrusts the sword towards Axl out of nowhere with a glare decorating his face. "Get in the van, Axl," says Ty, frustration evident in his tone of voice as he keeps the tip of the sword near Axl's neck, the latter frowning at the weapon.

"We just want this over with," I supply to a very confused and wary Axl.

I sigh in pure relief after stretching my stiff muscles from having been in a rather uncomfortable position in the van, even though I tried to get comfortable. Anders also stretches his own sore muscles. While Anders and I had sat in Ty's van with not much space, Ty and Axl were quite comfortable and were waiting for us to finish stretching. Still, we all suffered Axl's questioning throughout the whole ride, not being able to answer him until we reached our destination.

"You guys done?" Ty asks, and I look up to find him grinning in amusement with the sword wrapped in a blanket in his arms.

"We're taking two cars next time," I say, leaving no room for argument.

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