A beginning

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Today is Christmas Eve. What most people are so excited about,but for me it's just a typical day. The names Levi nice to meet you and whatever. Im captain of the scouting legion to help save humanity from what we call “titans”. I usually spend most of my time training the 104th training corps that completed their training and chose which path they wanted to go. Most of them stayed safe inside wall Shina cowards. And others tented to the scouts, where we go outside the walls and fight the titans. It’s been 5 years since we had the breach in wall Rose, and 45 years since wall Maria been taken over by the titans. Enough about the background information it's starting to get annoying. I started walking out of my office that I finished cleaning. When I opened the door I saw a Eren Yeager was waiting outside he seemed unusual but what do you expect from him. He’s always been a mystery since the mission ******.From the height difference it was easy for me to see what he was hiding behind his back. It was a parcel. It was wrapped seedy and had the name “Levi” written on it. I looked up at him to say why he had a small package behind his back he shoved it in my chest and ran off. I took a few seconds to processed what happened, but I finally knew what the reason why he gave me this package. Only one thing came to mind when I thought about it. “(Y/N)” I mumbled out. I instantly went down to the dining hall to hear laughter. I can't help but let out a “tch” and walk in. The minute I walk in I spotted horse-face dancing around with four-eyes chasing him around the room yelling at him to calm it. I turned my head to the corner of the room to notice a girl that is slightly shorter than me with (H/L) and (H/C) with a emotionless expression on her face. I made my way to her when she saw me and quickly walked off. Luckily she wasn’t fast enough to escape, but tried her best to get out of my grasp. Once I got a firm grip on her I dragged her to my office. Where I sat her down on one of the to chairs in front of my desk. I put the parcel on my desk where (Y/N) couldn’t see it. She looked up at me and muttered out “why am I here corporal?” All I did was look at her.  After a few minutes I finally decided to answer her question. “ Because brat you keep giving me these small packages for christmas and they always have chocolate.” I said in my normal stoick voice. She looked at me with questioning eyes  “Do you not want a Christmas present corporal”  (Y/N) asked looking at the floor. I sighed and told her that I am not a fan of chocolates. She gave me a me a small smiled and looked at me dead in the eyes. “What is it cadet” I said averting my gaze away from her. The next thing was her saying “open it” and she gets up and grabs the package off my desk and hands it to me. I censored it before opening the little package when I felt someone staring at me I look up to see (Y/N) in a full on smile. I let out a small sigh and continued to open it to see a cravat neatly placed in the box. An awkward silence came across the room. Waiting for something to break it, and it’s waiting paid off. (Y/N)'s stomach started rumbling from the fact that she skipped lunch so she can train more.

A blush came across her face as she stood awkwardly hoping that I would dismiss her. I didn’t get the brats memo until she asked if she could leave to eat some food for what I believed by the noises coming for her stomach that she was quite ravenous . I waved her to leave as I stared at the cravat the she made for me. I got lost in thought for what felt like years. Until that four-eyes demon came barging in by the looks of it I would say she is drunk, but she is always like this. “ Hey Levi Erwin is summoning you to his office.” she practically yelled at me. She let out a small gasp when she saw my eyebrows congregated and more anger in my expression than usual. “ The next time you barge in my office i’ll have you do laps until sun down got it four-eyes “ I growled at her. She nodded and slowly walked out. I put my gift in the top drawer of my desk. Making my way to commander Erwin’s office I had the feeling someone lurking in the shadows of the darken’ halls. It slipped my mind of  being followed by someone because I arrived at the commander’s office. I knocked before entering letting him know I was there. Shortly after i went in his office I see a tall man with blonde hair and huge eyebrows. It was inevitable that he was gonna give me work on a the mission **********. And what do you know commander eyebrows gave me the paperwork to do. Luckily It wasn’t we till next week which gave me time to take a break from all the work and people I had to put up with. This day has been perpetual with work. I left to my office and went into my room that was attached in the left corner. I sat in my chair and fell asleep.

 A New Beginning (Levi x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt