Your Glory Ranger's Pilot?

Start from the beginning

    “In Sydney, Striker reacted to my suit and tried to neurally link with me. I knew I could handle it so I did it.” Again eyes doubled in size and jaws dropped.

    “You piloted Striker?” A triplet asked.

    “For a moment, yes.” I nodded.

    “That‘s when we knew it was no miracle. My body could naturally handle piloting a full sized, two pilot Jaeger on my own.” I wrapped my arms around my middle, wishing they were the man currently stewing about me not coming clean about the situation.

    “Holy shit.” The same triplet said again and I laughed lightly at his attempt to say anything.

    “So are you going on the Breach drop?” Chuck asked suddenly

    “I suppose so, I haven‘t talked to the Marshall about it.” I shrugged my shoulders.

    “Those skills were crazy good, Miss. Yale.” Sasha stated, giving my shoulder a soft squeeze.

    “Thank you.” I said softly, smiling shyly.

    “I knew there was something special about you.” He nudged my cheek lightly with his fist, causing a real smile to grace my lips.

    “Thanks.” I smiled at both him and his wife, who was smiling warmly back at me.

    “You alright?” Herc asked after the Triplets and the Russians headed back to wherever they were coming from.

    Again my arms were wrapped around myself as I turned slightly to face Raleigh again, who was leaning against the railing looking at Glory with an unreadable look on his face.

    “I‘m good, Herc. You should probably head out.” I said, turning back to him and smiling softly.

    “What, so he can take me with him? Do I make you uncomfortable?” I sucked in my breath as Chuck took a step too close to me for my comfort.

    His gaze was red hot with anger and even a little hurt. I’d never even hinted at the fact that Chuck’s presence had bothered me this badly until he’d taken the angered step forward. Now I felt my own anger flare as I stared him down determinedly.

    “Were leaving, Chuck.” Herc said sternly, placing a hand on his son’s shoulder. When Chuck wouldn’t budge, Herc tightened his hold on him.

    “Now, son!” Herc shouted, finally gaining Chuck’s attention and giving the blunt of his anger to his dad.

    “Your not my boss, dammit.” Chuck growled, standing nose to nose with his dad. I started to move towards the two to break it up when someone else started up the stairs.

    “But I am.” The deep booming voice could only belong to one man.

    “Marshall?” Raleigh turned from his daze to stare at the situation happening.

    “You were leaving, right Ranger?” Pentecost ordered, there was no questioning his authoritative tone. It defused the glare off between father and son.

    “Yes, sir.” Chuck ground out, taking off down the steps first. Herc threw me one last lop sided smile before following after his hot headed son.

    “How long were you planning on keeping this from me, Lila?” Raleigh asked out of the blue, making me turn to him.

    “I was going to tell you- today actually.” I stated.

    “We‘ve known each other for years. How the hell could you keep something this big from me?” His hot headed self was not something I even wanted to deal with right now.

    “It was easy. You were gone for five years-” I started, already half cocked from Chuck’s outburst .However, the Marshall cleared his throat causing the both of us to turn to face the stotic faced man.

    “Enough, both of you.” The Marshall commanded and we both stepped away from each other. I didn’t even realize we were so close.

    “The last thing I need is two of my best pilots at each other‘s throats. Report to Bay 9 for your co-pilot, Mr. Becket.” With that, the Marshall turned on his heels, heading back towards the stairs he’d come from.

    “Sir, I-” I tried to speak but was stopped at Pentecost’s sudden stop and turn towards me.

    “Go get some rest, Lila.”

    “Your going to need it.” He nodded his head at us both and left.

    Raleigh started off towards the steps but I stopped him with my hand wrapped tightly around his wrist, much like he had me when he first made it up to where I was at.

    “Rals-” I tried but when he turned around to look at me, all my words went straight into my stomach and got ate up by the acid pooled there.

    He looked so hurt and upset that I didn’t even know how I could try and help him feel better. I moved to wrap my arms around his body but he stopped me, taking a step away and shaking his head.

    “I gotta go.” He said lowly, turning around and walking away.

    I watched him until he was out of view and then followed him with water filled eyes as he cut across the bay to where his Jaeger was stationed.

    Not once did he look back at me.

    Not once.

    “I‘ve really messed this up.” I sighed, rubbing my eyes roughly to stop the tears.

I'm super bad about putting my characters through Hell XD.. I hope you guys liked this! Don't forget to comment, vote and rate!! Thanksiez!!! :3

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