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The crowd chanted while your head spun. You held your breath and kept your eyes on your boyfriend Ethan as he held on to his bull for dear life. The bull whipped him back and forth while he held on, not giving up. The bull jumped and arched his back throwing Ethan off. Ethan smacked his head on the ground and didn't get up.
"Ethan Dolan is down!!!" the announcer yelled. The bull turned around and charged at him. Stomping all over him and ramming him with his horns. The crowd gasped and went silent as the rodeo clown tried to wave the bull back in. Ethan cried out in pain as the bull stepped on his stomach. Your heart clenched and tears came to your eyes as you watched your boyfriend in pain.
"We need to get him out of there!!!" Someone yelled. The cowboy ran at the bull on his horse and lassoed him yanking him away from Ethan. Ethan tried to stand up but grasped his stomach in pain. Paramedics ran into the arena talking to him to keep him calm and carrying him off safely. You jumped out of your seat and pushed your way through the crowd to get to Ethan. When you finally got to him you reached out to grab his hand, but one of the security guards grabbed you and pulled you back. You struggled against them desperately trying to reach Ethan he watched you unable to say anything to them, his face twisted in pain for his baby as he saw you with tears running down your face.
"ETHAN!!" You scream pushing your way out. You ran down the hallway following they way they took Ethan. You turned the corner and ran into the room where they were examining Ethan. He had his shirt off and had massive bruises covering his chest.
"You have a few broken ribs and many bruises. You also have a severe concussion your riding days may be over" the doctor told Ethan. You looked at Ethan after the doctor left. Silence took over the both of you.
"Ethan" you breathed out. You let out a loud sob.
"Babygirl don't cry I'm fine" he said with a forced smile.
"Yeah well I'm not"
"Y/n-" Ethan softly started.
"No. Eth I'm done. SO. DONE. Do you understand what it's like? Do you know how I feel every time you get on the damn bull? Don't you get the pain I go through when I watch you get thrown around and beaten? DO YOU EVEN BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND WHAT ITS LIKE TO WATCH THE PERSON YOU LOVE MOST ALMOST DIE? Not just once but over and over and over again!!!!"
"Y/n-" Ethan started again.
"IM NOT FINISHED" you yelled glaring at him. "ETHAN GRANT DO YOU KNOW WHAT I FEEL LIKE? I feel like I'm living in my worst nightmare where the only man I love is constantly putting himself in danger for his job... You know what I feel? I feel like shit. I can't. I just can't do it."
"Y/n!! I didn't ask you to choose to be with me! You chose that all on your own. I'm a rider that will never change" he said.
"I have sacrificed everything for you! Ethan I had a normal life, a scholarship lined up but you came in and took everything!! I didn't dream of becoming pregnant with someone who rides bulls for a living and has a death wish. What have you done for me? What? You know what no. You're right I did choose you but I think I chose wrong."
"Pregnant?" Ethan whispered looking at you. You nodded.
"Don't you see? Everything isn't about you anymore you have two more people to worry about... what if you die? What will I do? I'm not worrying about this..... I can't" You walked out the door and ran to your car crying. That wasn't how you wanted him to find out about the babies. But you had no choice. You turned the car on and drove to the place you felt safest.

Ethan Dolan imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now