Photo Bomb (Jealous! Itona x Reader) OVERWRITE

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(Hey ya guys :) I'm back with a new scenario for the adorable silvertte!~)

Author's POV

It was a usual day for the E-class at kunugigaoka high (think I spelled that right..hopefully XD) as a small group of girls in the infamous E-class were playing on their phones doing stuff like texting funny emojis to each other etc. Among them stood Y/n who had beautiful H/C/L, and bright glistening E/C. She was sitting at her desk quietly, staring at her phone, reading a fanfic of her and Itona that Nakamura made and dared her to read as she had a light tint of pink on her cheeks. She's suddenly dragged out of her little imagination world by Kayano.

"Hey come on Y/n-chan! We're about to take a groupfie all together!" Kayano exclaims happily as she then drags the poor H/C-ette over to the small group of girls as they then begin taking selfies and groupfies with each other. Meanwhile, small groups of boys were hanging out in the back of the classroom, except for one who chose to be alone in order to focus on tinkering with his little invention.

Itona's POV

I was sitting at my desk, doing some touch ups on my tank even though I don't really use it much and typically use the drone instead. I hear voices behind me, one that sounded like Terasaka and the other, Karma as it sounded like they were arguing or something. I try ignore them as I continue to work on my invention until they say Y/n's name which made me curious as to what they were talking about. I quickly finish up tightening a screw on the tank before putting it a way and slightly turning my head a bit to look over at the idiot who was talking way to loud while the red head had a mischievous grin on his face. At that moment I didn't even bother asking Karma about the look on his face since he was probably teasing Terasaka like he does with pretty much the rest of the class except for me and Nakamura..I think.

"There's no way Y/n-san would like that geek!" Terasaka yells out slightly in an irritated voice while Karma just laughed a little in response.

"Are you sure Terasaka?~" He asks him teasingly with the same mischievous smirk on his face. 'Geek? Just who are they talking about..?' My thoughts float around in my mind as I was slightly lost in their little conversation with each other. "If so then why is she reading a story about him?~" Karma continues as I stare at the two, a bit curious as to who this 'him' is and if Y/n really is reading stories about some one..then I wonder who? I don't remember her ever being a fan of reading and you'd think I'd know since we've been friends for quite a while now.

"ARGH! JUST SHUT IT YOU REDHEAD!" Terasaka yells in response to Karma as I was even more lost until I feel my eyes widen. 'Wait a second.. What if this 'him' was Terasaka..? And if it this then..' I clench my hands as they form into fists. 'If she's reading stories about him then does she like him?! And if so why him? He's an idiot!' My thoughts raced through my mind as I felt like ripping my bandana off and possibly go on a rampage..I don't know though if I could ever pull myself to talk to 'her' after if I did that. Suddenly, I'm snapped out of my train of thoughts by a soft voice that I know all to well.

"You guys..I-It's just a dare from Nakamura now would you stop talking about it?" Y/n asks as she had a slight tint of red on her cheeks. After a few moments, there was dead silence between the three of them before Y/n turned her head a bit and her eyes caught my gaze. Almost instantly when she noticed I was looking at her, her once light tinted cheeks became a dark shade of crimson before she quietly walked over to me, obviously noticing my irritated expression or possibly the way I looked since I had one hand resting on my forehead as it was underneath my bandana and I looked like I might just had an internal fight with myself or some thing.

"Itona-kun are you alright?" Her sweet voice practically echoes through my head as I look at her quietly before nodding in response. I didn't feel like talking at the moment, I was too mentally drained or that's what I felt like. She frowns a little before returning to her desk to pull out her phone as she then continued to read the story that she supposedly was dared to do. I sighed before putting my head down on my desk, hoping that I could fall asleep and forget about every thing that I just heard/happened. Sadly I don't get a chance to as I'm then dragged away from my desk by Terasaka, annoying me a bit as I didn't want to be bothered.

"So here's the deal guys.." Karma starts in a whisper As I stand there next to Terasaka with my hands in my pockets, I honestly didn't care what their stupid plan was and didn't have much interest in 'photo bombing' the girls since It'd probably get me killed. Once everyone understands the devious plan to anger the girls we then go out with the plan, me being dragged basically by Terasaka AND Karma.

We successfully sneak up on the girls as they were getting ready to take pics and jump in the middle of the camera at the last second and hog the picture up as we all did some little pose of hand sign. Karma did a peace sign with a small smile, Terasaka smiled like an idiot and everyone else did something random while I did nothing but give an emotionless face to the camera.

After about 15 minutes of photo bombing the girls and nearly getting killed, Koro-sensei finally came to class as he was late for a chance when he hardly ever is. We start class and watch his crazy lessons that somehow make sense easily without much second thoughts. After his lessons, it was lunch time as he then takes off to go eat somewhere and everyone begins eating their lunch in the classroom. I silently was staring at my phone while eating a piece of candy since I had forgotten to pack a lunch. Y/n walks over to me, catching my attention as she moves a desk closer to mine and sits down beside me. I look at her with a slight curious look on my face as she pulls out her lunch and hands me some.

"I-I um..I made you a bento..!" She stutters out softly as she had a light tint of red on her cheeks, it was adorable to be honest. I thank her quietly and eat the food that was made by her and it tasted way better than that ramen that I used to have to eat. Once we finish our lunch, I slowly turn to look at her."

"Hey..Y/n.." I start quietly as I look at her. She looks up from her sketchbook that she had been drawing in as I catch her attention. "Can I ask..what you were reading about?" I finish while I look at her in silence. Her face turns a bright shade of red as she then began to stutter, having trouble finding the right words.

"U-Um..I-It was about..Y-You." She replies back before quickly looking away as if she felt embarrassed or some thing. I feel my eyes widen as I take a moment to process everything.

'There's no way she'd like that geek!' Terasaka's voice echoed through my mind as I finally found out who he was talking about. I snap out of it and gently place my finger under Y/n's chin, I didn't care anymore. If what Karma and Terasaka said was true..then I was gonna do this right here in the middle of classroom in front of everyone. I slowly move closer towards her to where we were just inches apart. When she turns her head to look at me, I take this split second to press my lips against hers. She let out a small squeak from being surprised before kissing back.

Short Y/n POV

Once I turned to face Itona I felt warm lips press against mine, my eyes widen when I realize that the lips belonged to Itona. I was shocked that He even kissed me but could feel love and passion in it which was a surprise since Itona wasn't one to show emotion much. I slowly close my eyes and kiss him back, much to his surprise. By now the entire class was watching, some had smiles on their faces, other looked shocked.

"Yes the ship has finally sailed!" Nakamura cheers as she and Karma high fived each other.


Itona POV (Short..very short Lol)

I soon slowly pull away from Y/n, smiling slightly at her flustered face before getting up and walking towards Terasaka and punching him in the shoulder. 

"Ow! What the hell man?!" Terasaka yelled out in slight pain as he was obviously angered by what he had just encountered. 

"That's for calling me a geek earlier you baka." I simply state, a slight stress mark on my head as it was obvious that I was a bit irritated at the name. 

(Had to add that xD)

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