I Couldn't Forget Him

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All through school the next day, my hand burned as if I was still holding Overland's phone number. I practically floated from class to class, hardly paying attention to anything until a paper airplane skidded to a stop on my desk in History. I unfolded it, reading the scribbled message within.

You seem out of it. Something up?
- Jack

I glanced two desks back and one desk over, where Jack was sitting. Jack Frost had been a friend of mine as long as I could remember. His hair was actually brown, but he had dyed it white at some point. He was wearing jeans and his blue hoodie. Some of the jocks around school harassed him, calling him a hero wannabe. I'd never realized before how accurate the description really was. He had dyed his hair white and he wore the same blue hoodie as Overland. But just about everyone in school had bought a blue hoodie once Overland became well known. And besides, Jack was missing that . . . something . . . that Overland had. That heroic feeling around him. Goofy, playful Jack just didn't have that.

Jack shrugged, asking what was wrong. I waved his question away.

During lunch, I mouthed. He nodded and I turned back to the front of the room. The bell was going to ring in three minutes, so there was no way Jack would forget about the incident. Which meant I had to think up a story to explain what had happened. There was no way I would tell anybody about Overland. It was unbelievable, even for Jack.

The bell rang and I gathered my things, stuffing them into my backpack.  When I glanced up Jack was standing beside my desk.

"Well?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.  I slung my backpack over my shoulder, leading the way out of the classroom and into the crowded hallway.

"Did something happen at the party last night?" Jack continued.

"No, I didn't even make it to the party," I replied.  "The costume that Anna and I spent hours on got ruined, so I went home instead."

"Can you fix it?"

I shook my head.  After looking over the dress, Anna and I realized that the skirt had been ripped too much to just be sewn up.  Anna had taken the dress to do something with the fabric, but she wouldn't tell me what.

"I'm having a party later, if you wanted to go to that," Jack offered.

"A costume party?" I asked.

"Probably not.  You always get about twenty vampires and zombies and the rest are really obscure references."

I laughed, my mind taken off of Overland for a moment.  Jack could always make me feel better no matter what was bothering me.

"So when is this not costume party?" I asked.

"How about Saturday, my place?" he suggested.

"Who else is coming?"

"When I invite them, I'll let you know."

"You're having a party in four days, and you didn't invite anyone yet?" I laughed as  Jack shrugged sheepishly.

"I like the element of surprise?" he tried.  I shook my head.

"I'll be there.  Just let me know what time, kay?"

"Yeah, sure.  See ya, Elsa."

He vanished into the mob of students as I worked my own way to the lunchroom.  As soon as I sat down at an empty table my phone started buzzing in my pocket.  I glanced around to check for teachers before answering it.

"Anna!" I hissed.  "You know I'm at school!  Just like you're supposed to be!  Why are you calling me?"

"Sorry, I just couldn't wait to tell you!" Anna squealed on the other end.  "I finished your surprise!"

"What surprise?"

"The one I needed your costume fabric for.  I spent all morning on it and even brought it to school- oh gosh, here she comes!  Bye, Els!"

The phone beeped and fell silent as Anna hung up.  I frowned at it before sticking it in my pocket.  What was Anna up to?  I had a sneaking suspicion I knew what it was, but it would have to wait until I got home.

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